What Are Ascension Symptoms? Guidance To Comprehending And Resolving The Challenges

What Are Ascension Symptoms? Guidance To Comprehending And Resolving The Challenges

Hiya! Here’s some information which is offered to you, to assist you in your personal ascension from me, Indian in the
What Is Ascension?

Ascension is simply the raising one’s energy, or Light frequency,…or in practical terms: it is the quickening of a
cycling of electricity through a system, resulting in more Light… better health, a clearer state of being. To comprehend
this further, think of a light with a dimmer switch… when the dimmer switch is on “low”, the electricity cycling through
the lightbulb would be lower and thus the Light emitted would be dim… when the switch is raised to “high”, the
electricity cycling through the system would be quicker, and so the Light emitted would be bright. The same is true with
our bodies, as we move the dimmer switch associated with our bodies, from low light, to brigher light, we are ‘ascending’
to higher frequencies.

What are Ascension Symptoms?

Ascension symptoms are basically discomfort, pain and suffering caused by blockages of NEW LIGHT ENERGIES, that seeks to
surge through our bodies… these blockages can be experienced in the mental, physical and emotional bodies. The key
here is NEW photons… our planet and bodies, are continually subjected to new energies mainly but not limited to: a.
photon belt b. the Great Central Sun, c. our solar system sun d. new truths and e. the presence of Light and Love.

Some ascension symptoms may include, but are not limited to: pain in joints, headaches, nausea, depression, exhaustion…. and a whole lot more, there are many sites that list these…

Why Is Ascension Happening?

Our planet is at the end of a 26000 year cycle, and greater cycles upon cycles… also our Universe, AND the Multiverse
are also on a collective ascension path… what this means is that all of entire Creation itself, is also experiencing
this process,of upgrading systems of Light. This has happened before, and will happen again, and it is happening right
now. Would you believe earth is the holdout planet, in all of Creation in this process? It is true, this is why there is
so much attention the entire Creation is focusing on earth…towards you and me, that we comprehend what is taking
place… so that we can focus on our attention, on why we came to earth in the first place.

Where do personal ascension symptoms occur?

Personal ascension symptoms occur mainly in our emotional, mental and physical bodies, where there are ‘blockages’…
these blockages happen in the first place because there are areas of the bodies that are neglected, or unattended to.. and
the surge of NEW LIGHT ENERGIES, pushes these unattended or uncleared areas to the forfront of our perception. Reflect on
your own ascension symptoms, there is going to be a direct connection between those aspects of your mental, emotional and
physical bodies that you tend to ignore, or do not have full balance. Even if you exercise and are reasonably emotionally
and physically healthy, you can expect any ascension symptoms to associate with those parts of your bodies that you tend
to not exercise or clear, as much. This is the same situation, as how illness of any sort arises, the difference is, that
our environment is mutating, as more photons bombard the system, and is thus pushing any sort of energy blockage, to the
surface of our awareness.

Why Do Consciously Spiritually Awakening People Experience Ascension Symptoms And Others Do Not?

Photons are highly refined forms of Light, so a reasonably healthy and consciously spiritually awakening person, may
already have refined systems of you will, that are very sensitive to the energy increase. In truth, the photons are
affecting everyone, however those with dense bodies, are not as sensitive to Light of any kind, and so they may not ‘feel’
anything or experience different as these photons bombard their system (just like a strong wind may knock over a teepee,
but not a skyscraper), but that is to their disadvantage… consider for example, the world of cancer… those who are not
sensitive to their own bodies, will find illness can establish themselves and advance to a critical state, without any
prior noticing of anything being wrong. A person sensitive to energy may recognize quiet messages from their body, or
thoughts that are not truth, or which emotions feel good to the soul. Those who experience ascension symptoms are not at a
disadvantage to those who do not experience ascension symptoms, since to ascend to the higher frequencies of the 5th
dimension or higher, involves a complete clearing of all energy bodies. The experiencing of ascension symptoms is in
fact, a blessing that is not accessible to those with denser bodies, because it will highlight areas of the bodies, that
have blockages, so that we can focus on what needs to be cleared. A person without any ascension symptom will not be able
to as finely identify what areas are out of balance, and thus will remain powerless to raise their frequency, because the
absence of ascension symptoms may give them the false sense of security that all is operating fine, that their beliefs are
truthful, and that it is normal to not be in control of one’s emotions.
The Ascension of Our Physical Human Bodies, is From Carbon-based (2 Stranded DNA) to Crystalline (Silca)-based (12
Stranded DNA)
In our earth technology, we use quartz for our computers and wristwatches vs lead, because it is highly sensitive to
vibration and will allow electricial impulses to cycle through faster than if we had used lead.

The ascension of humanity is a big deal because it has never been done before in any universe, where a species ‘ascends’
from a carbon-based third dimensional species, to a crystal-based fifth dimensional species, in the same body, on their
planet. This is so challenging that it is unheard of… in all universes.

One could say that those who are experiencing ascension symptoms are choosing to mutate from carbon, to crystal… while
those who are not choosing to ascend, will eventually die a physical death, as their carbon-based system will eventually
break down because there is no awareness of anything being out of sync with the photons bombarding the planet. Those
consciously choosing ascension will have the awareness of what needs to be cleared, in order to fully mutate from carbon
to crystal. Would you be surprised to know that 4-stranded DNA humans are reported in the mainstream media, to support
this theory? Are you aware that all our planets in our solar system are going through physically measurable changes?
Planets go through this process, just as humans on earth, just as all beings, planets, stars throughout all of Creation.

When You Are Blocked At The Three Bodies, How Is This Experienced?

Thoughts that are out of alignment with the Oneness of everything, will silence you towards powerlessness. Your ego will
be in control, and your thoughts will be used to further separate you from your heart and your own Divinity… life will
be experienced as heartless, you may resonate with any thoughtform to compete and gain control of others. When you open
your mouth to speak, it may be harsh, or you may be silent because you are unsure and afraid of sharing your expression…
swearing is common, as is using your speech to bring other people down to your chosen level of awareness. You might even
talk lots, but it won’t be the truth, it will be gossip, lies, and propaganda. Often you may judge those who have higher
mental abilities, as being flighty, airy, unrealistic or mentally unstable. You may not see beyond accept scientific
principles, or common cultural values, attitudes and beliefs. You will have little ability to create anything original,
and will live in a world of imitation and superficiality. Ultimately you will live in a world of makebelief and disbelief,
where you feel control over other living beings, is a sign of your power when in fact it is a clear sign of your inner
powerlessness. You may act like a bully or a victim. You might feel more comfortable in a crowd of others who are equally
blocked, rather than to stand out and live by your original design. You will general feel low energy and will need to jack
up your system with sugar, coffee, alcohol and other stimulants. Generally speaking, your energy is basically parasitic
to other lifeforms, with low harmony or a balanced exchange of energy with the world around you. You will be highly prone
to emotional outbursts, low exercise, an over-active but unfulfilling sexlife. As your frequency descends, you will feel
‘all alone’. You will have little ability to take risks, to have new adventures… in short, you will program yourself to
keep yourself in a cycle of routine and sameness, that is sanctified by your false idols and leaders, and you will only be
open to information that conforms to your existing values, attitudes and beliefs. Your body may be ridden with so many
toxins, you may feel powerless, to take any action. You will have a low ability to innovate… you may accept lies, as
truth. You may not believe in a higher power or Source.

How Can I Unblock My Physical Body?

The physical body can be unblocked by:

-Eating food that are void of many chemicals.

-Heavy metal detox.

-Eliminate or highly minimize wheat, table salt, refined foods, white sugar, canola oil, modified milk ingredients,
artifical foods and flavourings, foods laced with human dna, fluoride in water. *Are you surprised that many governments
subsidize/encourage these foods?

-Ingest more pure water and foods, raw foods, green foods, seeds.

-Balance your body’s -s and +s: Eat vegetables that are sulfur-based, which has a negative electrical charge, and will
counter the positive charge of foods that are high in heavy metals. Foods that are high in heavy metals are not bad, it’s
just that if there is too much positive charge in our diets, and not enough negative charge in our diet, then we will
create over all, a body that has too much positive charge… this will create electrical resistance.

-Use a whole salt. Minimize eating out at restaurants, or buying foods from bakeries that do not use a whole salt… avoid
all products that use glutein.

-Exercise at least 20 minutes a day.

-Get at least 20 minutes of sun a day.

-Listen to your body, rather than to block ‘symptoms’ with medication.

-Be in command of your body, if you are not talking to your body, then chances are your body has listened to something,
somewhere, how about mass marketing? If you do not talk to your body then the corporations surely are!

-Consciously ‘call in the Light’… use the violet flame, or whatever colour you feel is useful.

-Regularly apply Indian in the machine’s Ascension Body Paste, by taking equal amounts of ingredients of baking soda
(negative charge), diatamaceous earth (negatively-charged silica), MMS (negatively-charged sulfur) and apply it to body
for at least 20 minutes, wetting the body with water as the paste dries on the body. Coconut oil can be mixed in with the
paste or added to the body during the wetting period, to fascilitate fuller absorption.

-A 20 minute ionic foot bath will introduce negative ions through the feet, into the body.

-Reduce meat, towards complete elimation of meat in the diet.

-Never cook with teflon, enamel or other paint-based cooking surfaces.

-Avoid mass-produced foods and animals, that are produced with cruelty.

-Avoid plastic surfaces that come into contact with your food, as much as possible.

-Demonstrate love in action towards your body.

How Can I Unblock My Emotional Body?

-Learn from your emotions rather than block them, or medicate them.

-Lessen the ‘charge’ in your emotions, through ‘clearing sessions’.

-Listen to spiritually uplifting music.

-Refrain from numbing yourself to life itself.

-Avoid Prozac and other numbing medication, which shut you down your ability to feel, or to love.
How Can I Unblock My Mental Body?

-Examine your current belief systems that seek to limit yourself or others, or seek to control others.

-Realize that you have been hypnotized by the media, to think a certain way, and to live ego-based. Connect with unity

-Be open to truths that may conflict with your existing values, attitudes and beliefs.
Love Will Clear All The Bodies!

Love is what will remain when all this clearing is done, love is our true essence…

Well, that’s it for now… further ideas from you are welcomed in the comments section… feel free to leave links if
you’ve got something useful and you want to share.

Indian in the machine

Soul Art cover art

Ionic Foot Bath Plates (Sales and Delivery To North America)

New Music Project: Soul Art (Release Date: Aug, 4, 2014)

Skype Sessions for those who wish to resolve any area of your life with Indian in the machine ($66/hr) Contact: indianinthemachine@yahoo.ca



3 thoughts on “What Are Ascension Symptoms? Guidance To Comprehending And Resolving The Challenges

  1. Hi IM,

    I appreciate the work you are doing with this blog. I love the paste idea; will try it out. As one who has had every possible ascension symptom, this article is immensely valuable. Please email me; I’d love to connect with you.

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