Earthen Dwelling EcoLodge Attracting Thousands Of Visitors From 75 Countries In Sweden, Even The Inexperienced Could Make One Of These!

Earthen Dwelling EcoLodge Attracting Thousands Of Visitors From 75 Countries In Sweden, Even The Inexperienced Could Make One Of These!

Hey Kolarbyn Ecolodge, thank you for the pictures of your amazing eco lodge.

From wildsweden: Thousands of visitors from over 75 countries

Magic happened in 2004. In the summer of 2004 the daily operation of Kolarbyn was passed on to Marcus Eldh who soon launched Kolarbyn as an ecolodge open for bookings from the public. Marcus established a cooperation with the Swedish Tourist Association (STF) as a way to reach nature lovers in Sweden and other countries. Since then Kolarbyn and the nearby village Skinnskatteberg has seen thousands of visitors from over 75 countries, such as Uganda, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Uruguay, although most visitors are Swedish or from nearby European countries. The ecolodge has rapidly gained a reputation abroad, included in several books, featured in travel magazines and newspapers worldwide and seen by millions of people on TV in various countries. During 2010 Kolarbyn Ecolodge was passed on to the new manager Andreas Ahlsén and his company Svea Adventure. But Kolarbyn is still an important part of the WildSweden concept.

Sven Råberg in Kolarbyn


This looks very practical…. looks like you can make these more of a mound shape, or also a pyramid shape… and nice insulation from the soil and plants… wouldn’t it be nice to grow some herbs or plants you can eat… those plants grown with pyramid energy might be extra amazing.

Many many actually need to see these pictures, since we have a very unstable situation on our planet right now, there could be people… even the reader of these words… suddenly be faced with an evacuation of some sort… I’d say your chances of never budging from the spot you read these words, and suddenly make it through the event, is about as likely as 0%… it is ALWAYS GOOD TO HAVE OPTIONS… If you make one of these, EVEN IF YOU DO NOT USE IT, YOU HAVE CREATED SOMETHING THAT SOMEONE ELSE MAY NEED… AFTER ALL… MANY EARTHLINGS MAY BE DISPLACED BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER, ‘THE EVENT’.

Wow… so many fireballs these days… they must be coming from somewhere eh?

“Blood Drops Upon The Earth” Meteors Showing Up Everywhere! Exploding In Atmosphere? Hitting Ground In Georgia? Lighting Up Sky? Prophecy Fulfilling Now Get Ready For The Event!

The Event?

Indian in the machine



Prepare.and remember, they laughed at Noah but who floated away when the waters suddenly rose????

nibiru pithouse society:  alternative earthen dwellings: nibiru consciousness

1000 Year MEGADROUGHT??? Someone Seems To Think So!

ULTIMATE LINK! Secret Bible’s Secret Nibiru Prophecies!!! Zombies, Firestorms and Hailstorms, Tidal Waves, Flood, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Human Brain Malfunctions, Sky Wobble, Red Dust, Pithouses

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