Your Health Situation In 2015 May Involve Three Issues: Lymph Flushin’, Restore Body pH, Normalize Weight

Your Health Situation In 2015 May Involve Three Issues:  Lymph Flushin’, Restore Body pH, Normalize Weight

A plugged lymphatic system is a very serious situation… everything is in it, radiation, oil, smog, chemicals… backs up… in a goopy soup that is carried around, and often though of, as “fat”.

Hold up your hand and say these words if they apply: “I ate it…I enjoyed it…I enjoyed it so much….I enjoyed it so much it plugged my lymph… I enjoyed it so much, my body went acidic…. I can change it… I can change this situation right now….”

Many People Are Not Fat, But Are Carrying Extra Litres Of Toxic Lymph Fluids.

Many People Going Through A Personal Wasting Syndrome, Whether They Are Overweight Or Thin.

Three Challenges Right Now: 1. Balance body acidity, 2. Get lymph flushed and flowing without backups. 3. Restore weight through visualization, mineralization and exercise.

Finally gaining some weight here… sheesh… that took a while…hehe… k perhaps you are in the same situation perhaps as me and most the acidic dieters … wasting syndrome (you can have it even if you are heavier or thin or normal weight)… basically due to acidity AND a demineralized food supply including a diet that is lacking in enzymes… *Love those coffees! and other deepfried acidic bits… oh let me count the ways… er, another time hehe… acidity means that a person does not absorb their food completely.

Many of us also have a plugged lymphatic system… our drainage system… our sewer pipes, and many of us are plugged, carrying around litres of extra lymph fluid that is stagnant, with rotting flesh, cellular waste, or how about the meal you ate 5 years ago, that you forgot to drink water with? A plugged lymphatic system is a very serious situation… everything is in it, radiation, oil, smog, chemicals… backs up… in a goopy soup that is carried around, and often though of, as “fat”.

If you are plugged in the lymphatic system, then probably you are already infested with parasites that also add their own poop to the goop… that goop that people carry around, and just do not know what to do with, or even what to call it. A plugged lymphatic system is a very serious situation… everything is in it, radiation, oil, smog, chemicals… backs up… in a goopy soup that is carried around, and often though of, as “fat”.

The new health craze for good in 2015, is citrus enzymes… yes enzymes in general, but at the moment, many of us need that citric cleansing of the lymph, and yes there are green drinks and please list others that you know like apple cider vinegar that accomplish this specific task, citric enzymes… which are like a strong solvent for the lymph… it DOES get the drainage unplugged… so enjoy those enzymes… look into this matter further if you’re feelin’ it, it will do only more good… drink lots of citrus, it dissolves the hardened mucus and toxins in the lymph… photo toxic though, not great for suntanning or direct sun… but you can drink it, and it is reasonably safe for skin in lower light… take a lemon, lime or grapefruit and rub it on your face, or maybe over your entire body (watch for those sensitive bits)… perhaps add castor oil first as an optional first application (condition your body and additional lymph flush as well)… if you are physically messed up in any way, chances are this is gonna assist… okay this is often overlooked. Many people are carrying litres of extra toxic lymph fluids… as far as the exercising, try exercising the most neglected muscles, to identify the buildup areas.

Is this all clicking big time?  Are you excited about the possibilities from here?   Can I hear a ‘heaven yeah?!’

Indian in the machine 


Ionic foot baths can assist with lymph flush. 

4 thoughts on “Your Health Situation In 2015 May Involve Three Issues: Lymph Flushin’, Restore Body pH, Normalize Weight

  1. This is EXTREMELY important info, dear Brother. Thank-you for sending it out to everyone. The body must be ALKALINE for health – Dr. Otto Warburg proved this long ago – received the Nobel Prize in early 1930’s – promptly suppressed. Lymphatics rarely addressed by allopathic medicine, but Edgar Cayce spoke of it’s importance long ago. And NUTRITION – real food, clean food, clean water, clean air – TONS of real info for people who want to learn – see Dr. Mercola, Natural News for info as well. Blessings and thanks! Cheers!

  2. Good stuff Dieter and interesting enough I started using castor oil 2 months ago topically. Was using to see if it would help with my nerve condition. Added bonus…lighting my age spots.

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