DREKX OMEGA COMMENTS ON POLAND UFOs: Amazing 7 UFOs flying slowly over Poland early April 2010


indian writes: whatcha feel… galactic ufos, military ‘hot’ aircraft or chinese lanterns (lol)?

Selamat jarin….!

They are intelligently piloted craft and appear to be conducting a strata-layer atmospheric survey, in a systemic fashion, which I have seen before…this requires a slow pattern sweep at differing altitudes, the initial wave above cloud level and subsequent sweeps below cloud level….
These ships are noted for their plasma fields uniformly retaining a pinkish hue, indicating their slow, constant and deliberately congruous velocities..if the slow speed were slightly higher, the ionisation field hues would morph to orange, which they don’t….so they are all consistent for the pattern of the sweep to allow for maximum results…

I have not confirmed this mission with my own contacts yet, but I know it was not a Sirian mission, as the craft were Agarthan scouts…
However, the Agarthans have a close rapport in the Galactic Federation with other Star Nations….

As the observation was noted to be over a centre of population in Poland, there was possibly a pollutant in the atmosphere that warranted this survey…but I can’t be certain yet.
If anyone does wish to know for certain, let me know and I will glean the details from the Sirians.

Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew

13 thoughts on “DREKX OMEGA COMMENTS ON POLAND UFOs: Amazing 7 UFOs flying slowly over Poland early April 2010

  1. The Dark Cabal has influence over most countries, and especially the Anglo-Americans…

    Our Earth Allies are also present within many countries, and mainly centred around the BRIC nations…

    As a prime mover within BRIC, I have always had a particular liking for Russia and remember their bravery against the nazis, in spite of loosing 20 million people…so much heavier losses than most nations of the WW2 era…..These people I have always admired for their courage in adversity.

    Now modern Russia warns the west against getting embroiled on the ground in Libya…and rightly so…You can always depend on the Russians to stand with the Light, when they truly need to..

    Let us salute them, with a new anthem for our QUIET REVOLUTION….. 😉

    Русские воины соединяют с вашими камрадами в космосе. Мы приходим теперь помочь вам более сразу.

  2. Confirmation of the increased Agarthan activities is presented in Sheldan Nidle’s update, dated 4th May 2010
    1 Cauac, 2 Moan, 5 Caban:

    Greetings! We come again with much to discuss with you. The old reality structures of your world are crumbling, and because these structures constitute the foundations of your realm, their destruction threatens everything that you have come to trust and believe in on your world. This process can easily be perceived going on around you and foreshadows what is about to happen. Our Earth allies are in the last phase of an endgame that has gone on for far too long. The dark is using every last trick to maintain its nefarious creations. We are monitoring closely what these dark ones intend to do, and although their magic is swiftly fading, they are still intent upon not giving up. We continue to meet with their puppet governments to install some sense into these arrogant leaders’ heads. Meanwhile, the disintegration proceeds at an ever-greater pace and is reaching a point of no return. All the negative financial schemes begun in the past few decades are now proving to be the dark’s undoing as it tries in vain to sustain these unviable underpinnings. A fundamental change in your reality is now truly inevitable.
    While all this works itself out, Mother Earth is keeping to her time schedule. She dearly wishes you to become fully conscious and allow her to complete her own vast transformation. At present, her realm is divided in two: an outer, limited-conscious 3-D surface realm; and an inner, much-longed-for 5-D world. Merging these two realms is of utmost importance to her, which is why she now warns the surface dwellers to heed her and get on with their transformation. She longs for and needs you to return to your 5-D fully conscious state, which can now easily and swiftly be attained. To this end, the Agarthan ruling council has upped the number of its personnel imbedded in the surface world, and these envoys emphasize this need to everyone they encounter. They come to observe, as well as to nudge their surface cousins to spread the fact that a huge change is coming and that it is wonderful! Your awakening is bringing out a more activist mode in the Agarthans and they are determined to “light a fire” on the surface that can burn away the manipulation that prevents a true, quiet revolution from happening.

    Networks exist in your societies which are oriented toward replacing the present financial and political systems with more community-based banking and political groups that can help their respective communities grow and prosper. These networks are communicating with each other, creating organizations that are ready to join our Earth allies. These groups possess people-power capabilities that are essential for transforming your reality. When grassroots begin to interact with those seeking drastic reform, a movement takes form whose power is unlimited. However, it is essential that these movements remain peaceful yet able to make their points clearly and decisively. Our Earth allies welcome these developments as they attest to the rising tide of a new global reality. This upwelling energizes local communities and makes it possible for many to regain hope and envision what is needed for their communities and for the world. This is the energy that the Agarthans are encouraging and using to manifest a new reality.

    Mother Earth is encouraged by what the Agarthans are doing, and as the dark grip on your world continues to slip, we too are sending our personnel into this fray. It is vital that there exist in your societies organizations that can both support and accurately communicate what is happening once the major government shift happens. It is one thing to create change; it is quite another to do so successfully. We watched the way the Anunnaki throughout the ages caused endless catastrophes such as wars, pestilence, and mass hatred, and saw how these divided you with ease, to the point where you were conditioned to believe that this was how the world worked. But now, you are being asked to accept as normal the peace, prosperity, and Love that Heaven is about to bestow on you. These gifts are part of the prelude to our mass arrival on your world. Then we can begin the process of transforming you from limited to full consciousness. These final, exhilarating steps will of course be carried out in conjunction with the people of Inner Earth.

    What we are talking about is a revolution of consciousness. This bears no relation to nations and nationalism, but is about ending the barriers that prevent people from talking freely to each other and getting hold of resources that enable the potential within each of you. When we look at you we see a people who are starting to recognize this vast inner potential. This is why it is necessary to have you look beyond your Earth-bound xenophobia and to see yourselves as part of a humanity that spans the galaxy. As you do this, the petty worries that now engulf you evaporate. A new self-image is born, which includes the rubric of universal unity. This concept of unity relies on a full intuitive confirmation that you are indeed changing and that you are part of a greater whole. When you see our ships in the skies above you, know that we recognize you as our beloved brothers and sisters!

    This movement toward unity is both a consciousness and a reality shift. As we often reiterate, every human lives in a reality which they, to a certain degree, help to forge. This reality is flexible. It can raise or lower its general base frequency according to the requirements of its sentient inhabitants, and these shifts are overseen by Heaven and the divine plan. In our 5-D reality the same rules prevail. One of our roles here is to be a catalyst for profound consciousness change, and over the millennia we have done this is in an indirect way. Now, we are required to go into direct mode. First contact is being encouraged by a number of people in the higher echelons of government and we are in a position to help you create the foundations for a new reality. This new reality is close, and events that are starting to manifest will rapidly transform the world you know.

    Mother Earth is working diligently to raise her frequencies to the point where this great transformation can take place. The various tectonic plates that comprise her surface world are moving continuously toward a “locking position.” This has caused many 7+ earthquakes to occur in the last five years, and these larger quakes are on the upswing. Volcanism is likewise increasing, and the recent Eyjafjallajokull flair-up in Iceland is only part of a chain of events that includes eruptions in the Mediterranean, the Pacific, and the Indian Oceans. Everywhere, these mostly seabed eruptions are changing the environment. Mother Earth is determined to prove to you that this reality is to transform into something much better. This new world is based on changing you all back into fully conscious Beings of Light!

    Just as your planet is changing so too are you. Many of you are now feeling the aches and pains associated with your new heart, thymus, diaphragm, and head chakras. These changes are causing back pain as myriad new nerve networks are activated. In most cases, these changes are simply reactivations of parts of you that became dormant as you moved into limited consciousness. What you can do is call forth your visualizing ability to lessen the stress and pain that at times racks your body. These disorders can take the form of headaches, memory loss, listlessness, and sleeplessness. Apply your inner potential and use whatever self-healing technology is available to you, and joyfully keep in mind the wonderful goal behind all this!

    Today, we looked at how the Earth is moving toward a resolution of the strange dichotomy in her dimensional make-up (3-D surface v. 5-D inner realm), and at how networks in your society are forming organically to support the great changes that are imminent. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


  3. Thank you Drekx for the information regarding Agartha… a very interesting culture; one I would feel very comfortable in I am sure. I’ve felt there were agarthans in switzerland and the siberia area of russia because the ufo activity is pretty busy there. The bell shaped craft are well known amongst ufo watchers, what a glorious sight it would be to see a real craft up close and personal.
    There are references to northern and southern agartha in Master DK’s work, they have asian eyes and were refugees from the surface, right?There are reams of info about the agarthan city beneath Mt Shasta, I wonder if they’ve bred with topdwellers over there because it seems if you throw a rock you’ll hit a psychic in that region. I’ve been thinking lately about the mine tragedies in china and the usa, and was it Deboors (sp?) that quit digging for diamonds recently in all mines saying that they had plenty for production and wouldn’t be searching for gems in the forseeable future. It was on CNN so it must have been right, 😀 So it sounds as if mining around the world is coming to a stand still… is this the argathans or the earth herself …if you add the oil spills and the recent ocean oilrig explosion you’ve got yourself an expensive lesson about earth power.
    In regards to the polish presidents death and the changes it will create; is this a trend? The world seems to be changing leaders amid much strife in many areas like Thailand and China…. are things finally coming to a head? Will disclosure on a world wide basis become a fact? It’s hard not to get ones hopes up and the idea of world wide change is intoxicating.
    Thanks for your wisdom and your time, most people think I’m eccentric for my beliefs so it’s nice to find acceptance here 🙂

    1. Kelly,

      Lovely to hear from you again…and a good comment you made, above.
      You are right that there is a trend towards strife in te world, as those great cosmic energies that influence humanity, remain in parity, thus rival each other and wrestle for control of the collective consciousness…
      It is always so at the end of one age and the beginning of another……chaos results from the conflict between the two….one seeking renewal, the other striving to maintain the status quo…

      As you grow in consciousness, you may appear to the less initiate as “eccentric,” but to me and similar ones, we see how much you are in resonance with us…. 🙂

      We see a flower blossoming….!! A growing point of light within a greater light…

      You are innately curious, with an eye for patterns and an openess to what the “conventional norm” may consider taboo, such as inner-Earth and bell-shaped UFOs…..
      I would just like to say to you that they are REAL…and I believe your refined intuition and obvious intelligence is telling you this…and you rightly go within and follow that gentle inner voice….

      The Agarthans have a thriving and ancient community which goes back to Lemurian days….and existed long before and long after that surface continent was destroyed in 25,000 BCE….

      Agartha did make a second ill-fated attempt at EXTERNALISATION upon the surface and that colony was known as the sub-continental civilisation of the “Rama Empire.” And thus, the Vedic traditions and wisdoms passed down to humanity from India.
      Rama, likewise, succumbed to great and evil forces…and had to return to inner-Earth..
      Vedic text depict these ancient wars with Atlantis….

      The Agarthans are as mixed racially as outer-Earth…
      They have two official entrances, one at the south pole, the other at the North…

      In Light and divine friendship, your brother, Drekx

  4. Hi Dieter, my friend,

    Just to say thanx for placing this article at higher level on IITM, as the work that the Agarthans are undertaking on behalf of outer-Earth humans is often overlooked, in spite of being of paramount importance for the future survival of the human race….

    I’m in Drekxstasy……..!! 🙂

  5. OMG….I have gone ahead and got the explanation for this survey by Agarthan scouts, which turns out to be a bio hazard cleanup, rather than chemical pollutants, as I supposed initially

    A “clean-up operation” over Poland and it is just mindblowing….I’ll list a number of factors given to me by Commander Vashtar, and it is your job to join the dots, if you dare:

    1) Dark Cabal factions in Russian military intel, with bio weapons, including crystalline bacterial toxin which was extracted from the brucella bacterium.

    2) Rain cloud seeding operation over Poland. Bio-hazard
    aerosol dispursed by plane, seeded in clouds…to threaten Polish civil populace, causing panic. Akin to the Ukraine bio scare, some months ago..

    3) An anti-Polish government operation which was motivated by the Polish President’s anti-globalisation stance and resistance to the EU…

    Now join the dots and see what you find….it is truly dark, considering that this operation also resulted in a plane crash in Poland, which killed the leadership.


    Not nice at all…and the Agarthans should be hailed by the people, who, as usual, are kept in the dark…

  6. Selamat jarin….!

    They are intelligently piloted craft and appear to be conducting a strata-layer atmospheric survey, in a systemic fashion, which I have seen before…this requires a slow pattern sweep at differing altitudes, the initial wave above cloud level and subsequent sweeps below cloud level….
    These ships are noted for their plasma fields uniformly retaining a pinkish hue, indicating their slow, constant and deliberately congruous velocities..if the slow speed were slightly higher, the ionisation field hues would morph to orange, which they don’t….so they are all consistent for the pattern of the sweep to allow for maximum results…

    I have not confirmed this mission with my own contacts yet, but I know it was not a Sirian mission, as the craft were Agarthan scouts…
    However, the Agarthans have a close rapport in the Galactic Federation with other Star Nations….

    As the observation was noted to be over a centre of population in Poland, there was possibly a pollutant in the atmosphere that warranted this survey…but I can’t be certain yet.
    If anyone does wish to know for certain, let me know and I will glean the details from the Sirians.

    Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew

  7. Seems to me that they have the same speed! But they have sligthly modify their directions!
    But those seems most likely to be man made!
    Also why do the camera guy avoided to look at the potential point of origin?
    They all come and go inside a panning area… Suspicious to me!

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