METATRON: Activation of the Bimini Fire-Crystal & Crystal of Thoth

METATRON: Activation of the Fire-Crystal & Crystal of Thoth

(IITM: Some very relevant info. from a 12-12-12 Meatron channeling… considering the recent new activation of the Bimini Atlantis Giant Ruby Crystal Company Of Heaven: Atlantis Ruby Crystal (Now Activated) Will Become Energy Source For All Of Planet Earth )

On the 12-12-12, the two remaining dormant Master Atlantean Crystals will awaken. The Crystal of Thoth and the Ruby Fire Crystal. The former of which is located near Tiahuanaco, Lake Titicaca in Bolivia, the latter below Bimini.

We will give a very brief description of both, and will provide, should the channel wish, a later channel with more in-depth exploration of these crystals.

The Crystal of Thoth is a very benevolent crystal of Arcturian construct that was utilized as what may be termed a balancing generator of harmonic geo codes. It was used in Atlantis in somewhat of a medical application in the balancing of the Etheric to Physical Body. It could be used to reduce or increase the specific density of the physical body. It could be regulated to differing frequencies capable of creating fields and complex standing waves for stimulating health, well being, chakric balancing and mental activity.

The Ruby Fire Crystal or Tuaoi is a far more complex design and much larger crystal. Unlike the other 8 Temple Crystals, the Tuaoi was not utilized in what may be spiritual purpose. It was originally utilized for the creation of the underground tunnels used for hyper dimensional travel and transport, having the ability to vaporize matter. It was also used for deflection in the earlier days of first Atlantis to deflect asteroids. Other versions of such crystals were in fact used in the exact placement of your present moon, having the capability of a ‘tractor beam’.

We will add that the initial surge and awakening of the Tuaoi will be closely monitored and it will not be fully activated for a number of years. Because it was misused in the hands of the Aryan Group for destructive purpose, there is great caution with its opening. The Tuaoi, unlike the other eight, was never relocated; it is in its original placement. It can be said that its purpose was then of the industrial utility. In a manner of speaking, a laser version of the nuclear, capable of being used for positive or negative. A collator, amplifier & generator of unimaginable energy, having purpose indeed, but not of the spiritual in the sense of the Poseidon Temple Crystals. It was retained in a protective dome structure (not a Temple), and activated for utility of energy.

The initial activation will involve a massive discharge of ionic-wave-energies. It would not be recommended to be within a radius of 60 kilometers of the Bimini crystal when it is first activated on the 12-12-12. Precautions are indeed in place, but the initial release is capable of disrupting & short circuiting the Human Aura. The fracturing of the auric field would not be fatal by any means, but the initial Tuaoi surge will fracture the aura in the same manner as a long distance airplane flight, capable of causing severe auric energy bleed.

The purpose for its activation is reparation. It will be regulated into balance at minimal function. It will be monitored, such that random erratic releases no longer occur. For the past 12,000 years it has randomly surged ionic bombardment of massive energy waves into the earth’s interior as well as the earth’s magnetosphere creating disturbances in space-time harmonics and imbalances in the gravitational field. The reparation will allow for the stabilization required in the New Earth by preventing damage from its uncontrolled discharges, you see. Uncontrolled these are capable of exacerbating tectonic movement and imbalancing crysto magnetic field harmonics that are necessary for the ongoing dimensional expansion. Do you understand?

In time it will serve great purpose, but only when humanity is of a higher vibration. It is not a living conscious crystal in the sense of the Temple Crystals. The Tuaoi is inlaid with circuitry, and is more akin to what may be termed programmed intelligence. It will be brought into the network very slowly; the activation is purposed.

One thought on “METATRON: Activation of the Bimini Fire-Crystal & Crystal of Thoth

  1. I am ready to do my part in helping to heal the Earth and myself. Looking forward to The New Earth!! Though I need some balancing of my own and issues with bone spurs and a torn rotator cuff, I’m still on board! Count me in. ❤ ❤ ❤ 🙂

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