Archangel Michael: “You must also be aware that some dear souls will not be able to stand to be in the aura of your Lightness , for it is too painful. Whether intentional or not, they will try to throw you “off Center,” and reestablish the status quo or keep things as they were in the past, no matter how chaotic or unsatisfying. ”

Archangel Michael: “You must also be aware that some dear souls will not be able to stand to be in the aura of your Lightness , for it is too painful. Whether intentional or not, they will try to throw you “off Center,” and reestablish the status quo or keep things as they were in the past, no matter how chaotic or unsatisfying. “

How Nibiru Shaped Our Solar System According To The Sumerians, And ET Commander Hatonn (PS… It’s Back!)

4 thoughts on “Archangel Michael: “You must also be aware that some dear souls will not be able to stand to be in the aura of your Lightness , for it is too painful. Whether intentional or not, they will try to throw you “off Center,” and reestablish the status quo or keep things as they were in the past, no matter how chaotic or unsatisfying. ”

  1. A huge sigh of relief came over me on reading just part of this wonderful message, THANK YOU AA MICHAEL AND ALL INVOLVED, it’s tough not knowing that Love goes so dry in family and close friends while backing away openly snarling their disapproval,now I know it’s not just me, —bring on more Light!! Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 14:15:49 +0000 To:

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