Am I Better Than You Yet?


Look at my shoes so expensive and shiny… aren’t I important? Check out my hair… textbook highlights from the salon… am I good looking now?  Look at my designer clothes… am I desirable yet?  What about my snazzy car… am I exciting now?  Look at my expensive house and furniture… am I superior with all those empty rooms?  I once gave $20 to a charity… am I generous yet? Look at how much fun I’m having getting drunk and laid, while the world falls apart…  am I your hero now? Check out my savings fund that is 5 or 6 digits… am I secure now? Look at how I imitate other’s value systems… am I original yet? Check out my awards for being a good slave… am I accomplished yet? Listen to me talk talk talk over you… am I smart yet? Look at how distracted I am with my cell phone… am I connected to the world around me yet? Look at my sports team win over your team… am I winning in the game of life? Listen to my gossip… am I better than others now? Look at my pants I wear under my ass, instead of over… am I sexy now?  Now keep looking at me, and watch me ignore you.    IITM

5 thoughts on “Am I Better Than You Yet?

  1. All that glitters is not gold………………………and you said it very well indeed, Indian! thx and love always – e

  2. my parents raised me right, and my wife doesnt care about that stuff either. good old fashioned values, hard work, do not buy things you do not need, make due, fix things that are broken, you dont need the latest greatest thing-just something that does the job. sometimes it is better to be a sparrow not a peacock, less of a target by far. we are doing ok even though i have been out of work since april, we have had our mortgage payments adjusted lower because we have put so much effort into paying it down over the years. we drive older vehicles, my little truck is 30 yrs old and gets unbeatable milage, i fix it myself.
    better than me? good for you! have fun paying for that.

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