What Do Earth Changes And Solutions Sound Like?

Earth Changes & Solutions – James Gilliland

We are experiencing a Grand Cycle where our solar system is moving to a new place in the universe with more available light and energy. Many refer to this as the photon belt. Russian research has proven the leading edge of our heliosphere is glowing with up to a thousand times more light as we move into this highly charged area. The planets within our solar system are also emitting up to three times more light and are all undergoing atmospheric changes. Our sun is also changing. What once was a yellow orange sun is now white. The hydrogen helium mixture is changing and the mega solar cycle with its unprecedented CMEs, coronal mass ejections and solar flares has continued to increase far beyond any 11 year cycle. In fact a whole new cycle is starting in 2007 which will be much more intense than the last solar cycle. Scientists are expecting to loose many of their satellites, even more severe weather, and an increase in number and severity in tornadoes and hurricanes.

more and highly recommended


5 thoughts on “What Do Earth Changes And Solutions Sound Like?


    Having joy and Love as bestfriends.

    Always loving myself first, THEN one can truely love another.

    Placing a wall of infinite Light around my Heart for all Life.

    Planning what I want to manifest on The New Earth.

    Inspiring to hold more and more Light.

    Never forgetting my infinite connection to Source.

    Everlasting from here to eternity, my soul says yes.

    Standing up for MATTI (Truth, Justice and Righteousness).

    Stopping to smell the flowers.

    Love I AM swirling GeeTa

  2. This is the new $50 billion Russian spaceport that is being built that will be sending passengers and freighters into space by the end of the decade. This is their public program. Their military has a secret program using advanced sequestered technology like our own. I’ve worked in ours. The ET races are similar to ours in that they have criminal elements that commit crime against earth humans using advanced weapons and other technology. It is important that we maintain and develop our gun rights so that we can avoid being victimized by malevolent ETs.

    “Russia is building a new gateway to space. ”

    1. The mass shooting problem is the primary driver behind gun control efforts. Passing federal legislation to explicitly make search warrants available for psychiatric patients on prescription psychotropic medication known to be a causal factor in most mass shootings. So that law enforcement can investigate where probable cause exists, like if the doctor calls them to inform them that they have an at risk patient. In conjunction with improved site security at schools, malls and theaters. And closing the gun free zones that are known to attract mass shooters due to their vulnerability, like Rep. Stockman’s legislation is designed to do, should go a long ways towards eradicating the mass shooting problem.

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