My Beautiful Children – A Message from the Creator


My Beautiful Children – A Message from the Creator
Channeler: Julie Miller
August 08, 2011

Blessings to all people, my sons and daughters, please allow me to begin by sending forth my Unconditional Divine Love and surround you with my Divine Light. It brings me much joy to speak to all of you through this dear vessel.

Where I sit and observe the world I see all. I move throughout your world, sometimes right beside you. I see the joy in your faces when you construct something and you are at the finishing stages, I see the triumph you feel from accomplishing a task that brought you anguish at the beginning, I see much dear children. I also see the unkind words said, I see the bullying not just between children but adults as well, I see pain and suffering. During all your accomplishments and all the events that brought you grief you have never been alone. There are many beings of Light always with you, ready to comfort and support you. We of the Divine, incuding, I the Creator, God to some and Source to others cannot intervene. We must allow the events to play out as they are tests dear children. Please reach for the angel, master or who you are most comfortable with and seek their comfort, guidance and support.

Some of you are able to see the challenges you are facing right away as tests because you are at a place in your journey of understanding that comes from a deeper knowing. And some of you take a little longer to see. There is no pass or fail to any test. The point of your tests dear one is to learn. There is much to learn from one single lesson. And as you learn, you grow and become wiser. One single lesson dear ones can have lessons on how to cope, respond, feel and act. This does not mean you cannot feel anger, fear, or wish to vent or scream if you must. What matters dear children is how long you allow yourself to stay in these responses.

For the most part they are healthy, as long as you don’t move into a self pity state that can bring you down into a realm of negativity. Dear ones, when you feel yourself losing yourself to a particular area of grief, step back and observe what is going on. Sometimes the best way of doing this to gain a fresher perspective is going for a walk, many think when they are walking aimlessly. The air, sun and the elements are invigorating dear ones, they waken the senses that have been pushed down from the grief possibly caused by recent events. Allowing your mind to wander, you will be surprised at the ideas and thoughts that will suddenly pop into your head that weren’t there before went outside into the sun and air. Another way to help cope and see clearly is through meditation. Meditation is a known practice of bringing peace and calm to people.

Along this path, your journey into the Light where you are discovering new things about yourself remember to love yourself and to love others from the purest love that is inside of you, your Unconditional Love. You are not expected to agree with everyone you meet. There are lessons on both sides of this dearest ones. And I already know you are thinking what those lessons mean to you. You are wise and intuitive beings. My love for all of you is limitless. How you react to those that bring oppostion is important.

I have absolute faith in all the beautiful people of this planet, of my children. I see in front of you a glorious future, that is unfolding in front of you, some of this future is based on the choices you are making now. By opening your hearts and your minds and loving all those that inhabit this Earth, regardless of differences, will bring more Light into your own being. My love for all of you holds no bounds and I encourage all of you to practice this love unto others as this is Unconditional Love.

As I prepare to end our time together today, remember I and all the many beings of the Divine love you dearly.

the Creator through Julie Miller



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