The Photon Belt and the Ascension Connection: The Wake Up Call – by Adama

The Photon Belt and the Ascension Connection: The Wake Up Call – by Adama

Greetings from Telos my Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

This is Adama. It is my pleasure to connect with you once again. Dear ones, many of you have various conceptions of the Photon Belt. Some of your conceptions represent a facet of the truth and others are not even close. Allow me at this time to give you another facet of it. And please remember that it is only another facet as there are many more. The Photon Belt is a subject that could fill several volumes. At this time, I want to discuss with you, one facet that is highly important for all of you personally.

There is much speculation on the surface as to what the photon belt is and when the Earth did enter or will enter this vortex. Know that the earth officially entered the Photon Belt around May, 1998. The Photon Belt is composed of 12 gigantic vortexes of intense Bands of Light. Each vortex will perform its own specific action on Earth and in our solar system, and the whole process will be very closely monitored to work in harmony and balance. It is a very safe process, and there is nothing to fear. One could say that the Light of the Photon Belt possesses the high and refined frequencies and qualities of the Ascension Flame, along with many other attributes. This does not mean that the earth did not experience its influence prior to May 1998. It did for many years.

Waves of Light from the Photon Belt were released on earth at various intervals, each year for many years past, particularly at the time of the Equinox and Solstice. Each year, the Light was released in a greater and greater intensity and frequency. You needed to be acclimatized, dear ones, for the greater Light that is to come. Nevertheless, since May 1998, when the earth officially entered into the 1st vortex, there is no turning back. Within the next twelve years, the earth will be going through each one of the twelve vortexes of that Light with the intensity that is required for Her purification and preparation for Her ascension process into the 5th dimension.

Since then, the various frequencies and intensity of the Light from the Photon Belt are no longer released at intervals. They are now bombarding the earth much more intensively and constantly. There are a lot of adjustments to be made in this vortex before we can move to the next one. All of humanity, in one form or the other, is feeling the effects of the new energy of this deep cleansing. Every person on Earth is going to have to do whatever it takes to adjust their consciousness and make the necessary changes within themselves to be able to move with and be transformed by that Light.

I am repeating it again. There is no turning back at this point. You are going to have to decide for yourself now if you want to ride the ascension wave with the planet, be transformed into the new species of humans that will emerge from this transformation, gain your immortality and ascend into the consciousness of the New Earth on the 5th dimensional level, or be crushed by the wave and stay on the 3rd dimension for another round of incarnations. The choice is entirely yours. The opportunity is for all.

Those who resist that Light and the many changes It will bring, will not be able to make it through the twelve vortexes. We know that many will choose at soul level and/or at the conscious level to leave or vacate their physical bodies rather than let go of their fears, preconceived ideologies and personal agendas that are not serving the greatest good of all rather than lovingly allow themselves to go through the necessary steps of this transformation. There are also those who would be ready to come along for the ride, but because of their age, will be choosing to make the transformation from the “other side” of the veil. For those precious ones, this option is totally acceptable, and we ask you not to worry for those loved ones and allow them that choice.

Many of you are already feeling and noticing in your physical and your emotional bodies the effects that are taking place at the cellular and genetic levels. Many of you are experiencing new, unpleasant physical symptoms you never had before, such as, headaches, heart pains, palpitations, chronic fatigue, dizziness, nausea, changing sleep patterns, ringing in the ears, blurring of the vision, and many more. You are also noticing changes in your emotional state. Your bodies are evolving and cleansing themselves. All outmoded, worn-out negative emotions and ways of thinking and perceiving things are coming to the surface to be examined, purified and transformed. Many of you are emotionally confused, and many of you feel you are “sick”. I tell you, this is only temporary. Just hang in there and remain into the frequency of “Love” for yourself and others. It will come to pass.

NOW is the time for you to let go of ALL your fears and negative patterns because you simply cannot take them with you.

Where we are going, there will be only Love, dear ones. There will be no room for fears or negativity of any kind. What will you do at the entrance of the portal of the 5th dimension if you still have your baggage of fears and negativity with you? The vibrations of fears and other negative patterns simply cannot be admitted into the 5th dimension. Will you choose to stay behind on the 3rd dimensional level for another round of incarnations just because you have held onto them? Do you want to carry them with you all the way through the 12 vortexes to the portal only to be told that your baggage of negativity cannot come along with you? Or do you want to start working on getting rid of it now, and free yourself from this limiting burden while there is still a bit of time left?

The transformation of the human race on Earth was begun very gently about 30 years ago. It intensified more around 1987, then more again around 1994. Since Wesak 1998, these energies are creating a greater intensity of mutation in the four body systems of all humanity. This Great Cosmic Light of the Photon Belt is now upon all of us. Want it or not, none can avoid it. According to your free-will choices, you can use it for your spiritual expansion, physical transformation and resurrection and go along with our precious Mother Earth’s ascension. The Earth and humanity are ascending together “as a big family”. We in Telos, will also be ascending with the planet. We cannot promise that the process will be totally comfortable all the way for everyone. For each one, there will be many adjustments to be made. You will be transformed into the new species of immortal, unlimited humans that will inhabit the New Earth, a place of Divine Love, Unlimited Abundance, Beauty and Eternal Peace.

You are either coming along or staying behind. You simply cannot at this time choose to stay in between two worlds.

The New Earth will manifest a glory and perfection beyond your wildest dreams. The Earth Mother is already engaged in this process. Sure, you may choose to come a few incarnations later, and you will all get there eventually. I am talking about coming NOW, not in a few hundred years from now, but at the end of this earth cycle which is finishing around 2012! What is your choice?

Most people would say they want to come now. And I say to you, “Are you willing to prepare and do whatever it takes to make it through the transition?” It is not totally a, “free ride,” you know. Although you are given at this time unprecedented assistance from the higher realms, you have to do your part if you choose to come along. If you select to stay behind, it will be honored, and you will be incarnating again in a place that will match your level of awareness. There is no judgment on your decision. God has given you “free will” on this planet, and it will not be taken back from you. What are your options? The 3rd and 4th dimensions are scheduled to eventually be folding up on this earth. If you choose to stay in the illusion of the so called “familiar zone” of the old paradigm of the 3rd dimension, you will not immortalize your body. This means that sooner or later you will vacate your body and incarnate again in another 3rd dimensional planet similar to this one and continue to enjoy your fears, your violence, your control, manipulations, your wars, your limitations, your addictions and all the negativity you are not wanting to give up now.

I am saying this to you because of my love for you and the great love that God has for you. I am not trying to scare you in any way. I am trying to reason with you in the hope of helping you awaken from your lethargy, your spiritual slumber, and to the illusions of your old outmoded momentums. For all those reading this message, know that it is the desire of the spiritual hierarchy of this planet for all to be able to make an “informed” choice. We are hoping with all our heart that you will choose to come along because we are a big family, and everyone is loved very dearly

Dear ones, you have heard of the “Place Prepared” that your scriptures talk about. Well this very special place is no other than the 5th dimensional consciousness. Our deep concern is that we are seeing at this time, so close to the millenium, too many of the precious people on earth that could easily make it to the portal of the 5th dimension and be accepted, still living their lives on an “automatic pilot” type of consciousness not wanting to take responsibility for creating their future reality, not wanting to hear about any changes, or having to face taking a serious look at their lives to see where they are heading. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of my next few words.

The time to live on “automatic pilot” is over. Humanity has lived this way for thousands upon thousands of years, and it has caused you all untold sufferings, sorrows, poverty, sickness and all the social and economic problems that have been facing humanity for those thousands of years. The time of your deliverance is upon you now. You, as a soul evolving on Earth, can be “liberated” only if you consciously choose to do so, and make it the most important priority in your life.

It will not happen by continuing to live on an “automatic pilot” consciousness. It will happen for you ONLY IF YOU EMBRACE NOW THE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS AND START THINKING AND ACTING WITH YOUR CHRIST MIND AND CHRIST LOVE.

No matter how much help you are getting from above, no one can do it all for you. You will have to allow the desire to be ignited within your heart to evolve your consciousness to the level of where you want to go.

I AM Adama, ascended master and the high priest of Telos. My brothers and sisters of Telos are joining me to send each one of you our love, our friendship and support. We are conscious of the difficulties you are facing and also aware of the wonderful progress so many of you are making; know that you are making a difference. We send you our Light and Love.

Copyrighted © Aurelia Louise Jones

Channeling from the Earth’s Interior

the two leaders of Stardove

Source: Google Images: “Raja and Moi Ra”

Raja and Moi Ray are greatly concerned with the energence of Telos. They lead special progects related to events in Mount Shasta and Telos Their site is known as Star Dove and is on this web page:

6 thoughts on “The Photon Belt and the Ascension Connection: The Wake Up Call – by Adama

  1. Thanks for this update on ascension and the info about our friends below. I’ve read about the final test, where you face the “dweller on the threshold”, is this a prerequisite also? Perhaps our planet is going through that phase right now…
    Still, it’s very exciting to hear about our future, I try to hold on to that when dealing with 3d energies… this isn’t going to be forever, we planned this whole thing out and it’s only a matter of time before all questions will be answered, the ancient mysteries revealed.
    Be in light all, enjoy your summer 🙂

  2. Thank you for all the recent enghtlight! You are assuring me with your messages that ascension
    is taking place within me at this time. Believe me, I’m preparing for this coming 5-D world! I belong
    there. I know it! I’m not satisfied with this reality. I know there’s a greater love out there. You are part of the solution. My awareness has led me to websites like yours. I feel as I’m being guided by a greater source. The LIGHT! Again, thank you for keeping me updated on your valuable info. A
    wise man once said, if you seek. You shall find. Keep me updated! Again thanks! LET THERE BE LIGHT!

  3. The Consciousness that Functions on “Automatic Pilot” is
    NOT Heading to the Ascension Door.

    Greetings Beloved Ones on the eve of your last Valentine’s Day in this millenium. From our abodes within Mt. Shasta, Adama and myself, El Morya, wish to bring you a message of Love. Our message is also another wake-up call, dear ones. Time is getting very short.

    In his last message, Adama mentioned a certain state of consciousness or attitude where so many precious souls of Earth allow themselves to live their lives on “automatic pilot”, a state of spiritual slumber, where the personalities are not wanting to consciously create their future reality and live their lives with “determined intentions” to follow the nudging of their souls.

    Because we love you so very much, it is our great desire to greet all of you at the portal of the 5th dimension around the year 2012. As we open wide the portal for your entrance and lay the golden carpet for your coming, it will be our delight to bid you welcome to the realms of Light and Love. What a wondrous and joyous day this will be for Us and for those of humanity who will make it to this Door! What a happy reunion it will be for all! A great reception is being prepared. There will be the shedding of many tears on that great day; but this time, dear ones, they will be tears of pure joy and ecstasy.

    Can you imagine, just think for a moment, the joy you will experience when you will meet once again, consciously, in your immortalized body, face to face with your loved ones who have departed from Earth during your life time. There will be those you have loved dearly in your present life, and also those whom you may not remember at this time, but who are souls you have also been close to and loved just as dearly in past lives, that you have known for millennia, such as your eternal friends and other members of your soul family who love you so profoundly.

    As we transmit this information, we already feel the joy and excitement this wondrous day will bring. Your loved ones are waiting to embrace you once again with much expectation. They will all be there near the Door, robed in garments of Light and Glory, waiting to receive you in their arms as you enter in.

    As our channel, Aurelia Louise receives these words from us, tears are rolling down her cheeks from the thought of joining again in a few short years with the souls of Light who were her parents in this present life, and other members of her family who made their transition to the “other side” during her childhood. As she writes and wipes her tears, they are also present here with Us watching and sending their love, very much looking forward to the day of the Great Reunion.

    It will be so wondrous that the whole Cosmos will be watching. I repeat myself again, it is the greatest desire of the spiritual hierarchy of this planet and your Father/Mother God to see all of you make it to this sacred portal as you qualify for its entry.

    Beloved ones, out of our great love for you, we of the spiritual hierarchy, wish to remind you once again that there is a “code of entry” that is required for entrance into the 5th dimension. There may be a lot of jokes in your world about “Peter” standing at the gate of heaven and deciding who will or will not be allowed entrance into the Kingdom. Well, my friends, this joke on earth is not so much of a joke here. There is more truth to this than any of you may conceive at this time.

    I say this because there is a gate or a portal one must qualify for admission. I, El Morya, was embodied as the disciple Peter in the time of Jesus. Now I have become the Chohan and the Guardian of the first ray of the Will of God for the people of Earth. This means that I AM also the guardian of that portal.

    The will of God, dear ones, is the first portal one must enter in order to progress in the right direction on the spiritual path. Unless you are willing to surrender your human ego and human personalities to the Will of God, to be refined and transformed into the Divine, there is nowhere else for you to go on a true spiritual path. This is the first portal and know there are six others that you must qualify for before you can reach the door of the 5th dimension for your planetary ascension.

    To make it through this first portal, you have to take my classes at night on the Inner Planes (while your body sleeps) or take classes from my co-workers of the Will of God who have volunteered to assist me at this time. You have to pass my tests in your waking time before you can move on to the next portal. Many of you reading this message have already moved through this first portal in this life or in the past and some of you have made it through other portals as well. We deplore the fact that there is still a large percentage of humanity who are living their lives on “automatic pilot”. They have no idea where they are going, why they are here incarnated on earth, nor do they want to hear about it. They live their life from day to day, with no conscious direction, their minds and hearts scattered to the four winds, following a path of least resistance and spiritual slumber.

    On the threshold of such a magnificent occurrence, an event that humanity has been waiting and longing for for hundreds of thousands of years, there are still so many of the precious souls of humanity who have never yet presented themselves for counsel at the entrance of the portal of which I am in charge. Myself and co-worker Adama, the high priest of Telos are joining together to see if we can give you one more “wake up” call. Time is getting so short now that if you have not yet made it to the portal of the “Will of God”, we want to let you know that it is still possible for you to catch up and make it through all the other portals “on time” if you choose now to do so.

    You have no more time to waste. You must wake-up now and start very diligently applying spiritual laws in all aspects of your life, living by the concepts of Love in all aspects of your life, letting go of all your fears and preconceived ideas about God, and be willing to embrace Truth, the truth that you have been avoiding looking at. Become the God that you are, right now, by becoming Love in action in all you think, say and do. Love is the only shortcut you can take in your ascension process and the greatest key; love of Self, love of God and love for all the family of earth, all kingdoms of earth, including the animal kingdom. Love and honor All that breathe the Life of the Creator. Love unconditionally without any judgment. Let go of duality and embrace the way of harmlessness. With enough Love in your heart, you can make it through all the portals to the ascension door ….on time. Be assured it will not happen for those who continue to live their lives on “automatic pilot”.

    All who will make it to the ascension door will have to pass the tests of the seven initiations required to possess the codes of entry to qualify for planetary ascension. Each one of those seven initiations has seven levels of testing. It used to take several life times of diligent application of spiritual laws to be able to make it through a few or all of those initiations. At this very unique time of earth history, there is an unprecedented dispensation by which each soul, with serious and diligent application, can make it in a few years. I, El Morya, shall be there, as the “Peter” that you are familiar with, along with the rest of the spiritual hierarchy of this planet and your loved ones to welcome every one of you “Back Home”. I AM your Eternal Friend, El Morya.
    Adama now Speaks

    We in Telos live in the consciousness of the ascended state of the 5th dimension, although we live in 3rd dimensional bodies like you. Our DNA is more evolved than yours has been in the last few thousand years, and we live in a frequency that is much higher than yours, which is the frequency of Love. Because we live such long lives, a very high percentage of the people in Telos have gone through the ascension process at soul level, and choose to remain in physical bodies that portray the highest expressions of a 3rd dimensional life. We do not have the same physical limitations that you have been living with. Our bodies are strong and healthy, and we do not know disease. Most of us can teleport anywhere we want at will, and manifest whatever we want, whenever we want it. We also have conscious access to the Universal Mind, a gift that has been long lost on the surface of this planet. Actually, we live the kind of physical reality you are all dreaming about and longing to experience.

    We are looking forward to the day that we can come out and teach you our way of life so that you also can live a life of wonders, love, peace and prosperity as we do. We are yearning to share with you all our little secrets that will make life so wondrous and so much easier for you! We ask you to be open to receive us.

    I, Adama, have been working very closely with El Morya on the Inner Planes at this time teaching classes at night to the souls who are desirous of having a better understanding of the Will of God and wishing to come along through the seven portals leading to the ascension door of the 5th dimension.

    There are more and more souls coming to the Ashram of the Will of God at night in Mt. Shasta to attend our classes. Because of this great influx of souls, I and several other Masters have offered to assist our dear friend El Morya in this tutoring. Because El Morya’s classes are getting so big, we are helping Him by holding many of the classes in Telos. It is my pleasure to invite you personally to come to our classes at night while your body sleeps. If you are willing and ready, you may take our especially designed crash course called: “Ascension by 2012”. There are many of us here who are available and willing to give you all the assistance you will need. There are enough of us to give private tutoring for those needing it. It is all done out of Love, and there is no fee for our services. All you have to do to get to our classes is to make the prayer to your guardian angel at night before falling asleep, and state your intent and request for your soul to be taken to our classes and your guardian angel will bring you here on the “Inner Planes”. We will not turn back anyone who is knocking at our doors “seeking”.

    There are also many spiritual books that are available that would be helpful for you to get acquainted with in your day time. In fact, many of these books contain much of the information you are getting on the Inner Planes at night. By getting the information consciously on the physical plane as well will speed up your understanding and progress.

    The sooner you “remember” your true identity in God and apply yourself consciously and diligently to “Be” the God that you already are, the sooner you will have your “Immortal Freedom”. Love, Love and Love. When you are “in Love” and generate enough Love around you and within you to dissolve all the negativity of your creation, you too will be an ascended being. In Telos, we hold our hands out to you, offering our assistance. Will you take our hands and allow us to lead you and guide you? From Love we come, From Love we live, From Love we ascend, We are all One, we your Telosian brothers and sisters. Namaste Adama.

    Copyrighted © Aurelia Louise Jones

  4. Marriages in Telos – by Adama


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    channeled through Aurelia Louise Jones

    Many of you are wondering about how we view our romantic relationships, and if we have marriages and families like yours in Telos.

    Since we live very long lives and our potential to have large families is great, careful planning for the benefit of all is of utmost importance. Unlike surface folks, no one is allowed to start a family in Telos until they have gained the maturity and the readiness to initiate such an important step. We do not allow children birthing children, so to speak, like you do on the surface.

    We have two different types of marriages in our society. The first one is a ” bonded” type of marriage where two people who are attracted to each other romantically decide to unite in a bonded marriage union that is not considered necessarily permanent. They get married and live together to learn from and with each other, to grow in maturity together, to experience life, and to enjoy each other to the fullest. And this, they do only as long as they are both deeply happy and satisfied with the relationship. There is no obligation for them to stay together, and these unions are not necessarily a lifetime commitment.

    Couples engaged in a bonded marriage are not allowed to have children. The raising of children is not the primary goal of these marriages. These marriages may last anywhere from a few short years to several hundred years or longer. Birth control is not an issue for us. The birth of a child is considered a very precious and grand event for the incoming soul, and a child or a baby is conceived by “invitation” only. We have no such thing as an unwanted pregnancy in our society. A woman in Telos would get pregnant only by intention to do so, and only after serious and well-planned preparations.

    In a “bonded” marriage, couples may end their relationship at any time they wish, without hurt and obligations toward each other, and start another relationship if they wish. This way, no one stays in a relationship for the wrong reason like you do on the surface. Every couple in Telos is very happy because there is no reason to stay together unless there is a deep love and satisfaction to be with each other. It would be unthinkable for any of us to consider staying in a relationship unless there is total harmony and fulfillment. These marriages are considered part of the many experiences that life and evolution offer. When a couple feel they have come to the completion of their time together, they thank each other for the time they have spent together on the path of life, and they move on; always remaining very good friends with each other thereafter. All they need to do is to apply to the Lemurian Council of Telos for dissolution of their marriage, and it is always granted without any dilemma.

    Our second type of marriage is a “committed marriage”. It is only in this type of marriage that couples are permitted to have children, and apply to bring a new soul into the community. After a couple has been involved in a “bonded” marriage for several decades or a few hundred years, they may decide that they have experienced each other long enough, they know with absolute certainty that their love for each other is so flawless and long-lasting, that they now wish to make a lifetime commitment to each other.

    Since we have become immortals, a lifetime commitment for us would normally mean a very long time in our society, extending into thousands of years. In a committed marriage, there is no more dissolution of the marriage that you would term a divorce. It is no longer an option. For this reason, a couple already in a bonded marriage for a long time has to be very sure of their decision toward each other before they would choose to engage in what is considered a permanent relationship. They stay together until such a time that one of them or both are ready to move on to a higher realm of evolution or service. In this case, one or both would leave Telos to go to the planet or level of their choice. This would happen only after a very long time of their life together, and after their original family has matured to a few generations.

    In this type of marriage, one, two or sometimes three children may be born. The gestation period for the mother-to-be is 12 weeks only. The couple has already lived together a very long time in a bonded marriage. They have done and accomplished whatever they wanted to do and experience together as a couple. They are now ready for the next step, having gained enough maturity and know-how to hold such a privilege and honor of staring a family if they wish.

    In our society, we have no orphans, nor children who are abandoned or raised with the difficulties a single parent has to face on the surface. Our family life is so carefully and wisely planned, that our children never have to suffer such traumas as being unwanted, neglected or abused. Each child is considered a precious gift from God, loved and honored not only by the parents, but also by the whole of our community. Our civilization is fully aware of the sacredness of the role of bringing forth children, and this undertaking is never taken lightly and without appropriate training. Only to our more mature and more evolved people is the privilege of bringing forth children granted, giving birth to noble and more advanced souls; thus perpetuating an enlightened civilization.

    1. Hi there Dieter,
      In reading the above , a question comes to mind on the subject of having a baby.
      It sounds a bit state controlled so to speak?Who has the final say?.Has a hint of Birth control.If everything is planned…does free choice come into it?
      Do not mean to offend, just curious
      God bless

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