=====> Did Ison Introduce Nibiru As It Passed By The Sun?

ISON appears as a white smear heading up and away from the sun. ISON was not visible during its closest approach to the sun, so many scientists thought it had disintegrated, but images like this one from the ESA/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory suggest that a small nucleus may be intact

Update video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdEBNp3TCqc


=====> Did Ison Introduce Nibiru As It Passed By The Sun?

Whoa talk about ‘Black’ Friday folks!

Messages of our ET family have told us Nibiru is in our solar system, on the other side of the sun, and would do an eventual passby… and would not bring destruction this time… this is video is rather interesting!  I don’t know much about this video other than it says it is from A1A and it’s labelled Comet Ison approach…. the commentary is very interesting… btw Nibiru is also known as the “black sun”.

Messages from our ET family also say Ison is a spaceship… particularly a mothership under Hatonn and Soltec’s command.

I find it interesting that the dark circle is near the low part of the sun… right where the Zetas said Nibiru would be.

Also this one crop circle might be depicting Ison introducing Nibiru as it passes by the sun…. along with cryptic messages that have yet to be deciphored.

“Comet” Ison And The Crop Circles Connection 

Btw, many people were fooled by nasa and the mainstream media that says Ison disintegrated… no it didn’t… is it possible they are hiding something???? Hmmmmm?

Soon the truth will be more apparent, as both Nibiru and Ison, may be soon seen with commercially available telescopes.





ET Commander Hatonn:  http://hatonnspeaksthetruth.wordpress.com/

Jesus Sananda Talks About Comet/Mothership Ison, The Brief Reign of Chaos, And “The Event” 

The Truth Of Comet Ison, Nibiru And The Anannuki (Part 1)

The Truth Of Comet Ison, Nibiru And The Anannuki (Part 2) 

Join facebook group: Comet Ison Brings New Life

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