You are doing magnificently. This is the first thing you need to understand. We understand that many of you are finding the energies difficult. Let us tell you that you are not doing anything wrong. You are navigating these energies like divine professionals. (smile) You have become so very adept at shifting, at flowing, at adjusting, at releasing, at transmuting other energies, that you are taking on more and more. You are creating and you are adjusting in ways that you can’t even imagine. You are doing it at such a deep cellular level.

You are doing magnificently. This is the first thing you need to understand. We understand that many of you are finding the energies difficult. Let us tell you that you are not doing anything wrong. You are navigating these energies like divine professionals. (smile) You have become so very adept at shifting, at flowing, at adjusting, at releasing, at transmuting other energies, that you are taking on more and more. You are creating and you are adjusting in ways that you can’t even imagine. You are doing it at such a deep cellular level.

One thought on “You are doing magnificently. This is the first thing you need to understand. We understand that many of you are finding the energies difficult. Let us tell you that you are not doing anything wrong. You are navigating these energies like divine professionals. (smile) You have become so very adept at shifting, at flowing, at adjusting, at releasing, at transmuting other energies, that you are taking on more and more. You are creating and you are adjusting in ways that you can’t even imagine. You are doing it at such a deep cellular level.

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