HANIEL; Coincidence? What is that, honestly? It is nothing. It is a word construed by patriarchal controllers to explain that synchronistic communication which is, by it’s very nature, Divine. ‘Coincidence’ insured that the masses would never question what is in actuality Sacred communication. And how well they succeeded, did they not?

HANIEL; Coincidence?  What is that, honestly?  It is nothing.  It is a word construed by patriarchal controllers to explain that synchronistic communication which is, by it’s very nature, Divine.  ‘Coincidence’ insured that the masses would never question what is in actuality Sacred communication.  And how well they succeeded, did they not?


2 thoughts on “HANIEL; Coincidence? What is that, honestly? It is nothing. It is a word construed by patriarchal controllers to explain that synchronistic communication which is, by it’s very nature, Divine. ‘Coincidence’ insured that the masses would never question what is in actuality Sacred communication. And how well they succeeded, did they not?

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