Spirit Energies Caught On Camera


Yes there is a spiritual world… it’s the world where souls come from.  Each of us is a spirit in a physical body.  As we awaken, we remember the spirit world.

Indian in the machine


2 thoughts on “Spirit Energies Caught On Camera

  1. “GULP!!!!” I NEVER realized that there was a SWORD in the photograph of the angel you took Diet…….wow…..WOW!!! GeeTa eyes poppin in and out of head. “Chachacha!!!”

    HAHAHA!!! Got the giggles again…..

    Ok. Yes, you can capture some very awesome pictures of some unexplainable to the 2 eyes (The 3rd, its normal and natural) and ears, pictures and sounds. How well do I know. hehehee

    Love I AM swirling and cheezin NaGeeTa

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