Today I Almost Died While A White Man Watched – Indian in the machine


Today I Almost Died While A White Man Watched – Indian in the machine

Well… my last day for sure, on facebook, and I almost died…  

The day started off quite wonderfully… it has been cloudy for 3-4 days and the sun was peeking through…  I was anxious to get in some baking on the Mexican beach, so I decided to go into Pacific ocean… keep in mind I’m from the prairies and am still getting to know the ocean… thus I’m very cautious about it, and I don’t venture too far past the shore…  the water was fairly strong but since I had been in it once or thrice daily, I wasn’t feeling I was going beyond anything unusual… first thing I noticed was that I was pulled rather strongly away from the shore, I was very aware of that… and I wasn’t even in that long, when I was feeling I was done… except the ocean was hardly done with me!… I couldn’t make it back to shore, which wasn’t very far away… a riptide kept me away from the shore… “Okay I can handle this….  I am okay…”… . after some time I was realizing that things were picking up and getting stronger… and I was getting weaker… I only had enough time to take a few breaths before the next wave, and they were getting bigger… to add to matters I had taken out my hair tie and each time I came up for air, I also had a facefull of wet hair… someone was approaching…. a white man…  I knew I was in trouble by then and was calling for help… he came close to the shore but that was pretty much it… it was almost like he came to watch me drown… I kept crying out “help…. help…. help!’… he wouldn’t do anything, just watching… the waves were the biggest ever by this point… I had no more energy to swim under them and they began to hit me full on… they kept me under water for a long time… a bit of water was filling my lungs… I wouldn’t be able to do this for much longer without being totally exhausted… the next wave hit hard… under water it was total chaos… I wasn’t even sure which way was up… I asked God for help… whatever that meant at the time I had no idea…  I knew to swim to the side and ended up eventually on some sand that solid enough I could lift myself out… I walked out almost dead for sure… and I was in shock… I could even say nothing to the white man… I was in double shock…. shocked that I was half dead, and shocked that he would just stand there and potentially watch me drown…. I wasn’t even that far from the shore… I slowly walked… naked and half dead to some shade… I had to throw up and shit but was too tired for both…  I choose to dig a hole in the sand and shit… I was aware that my heart and body were now in new territory… everything vibrating and pumping dangerously fast…. I asked Archangel Michael to regulate my body… I was literally a wet vegetable… I laid there for an hour or two…. not sure… the white man came over and said something… “are you okay?”…. “no”,  I nodded… speech hadn’t come back yet… my mind had flashes of new insights… I had a flash back of another previous life on the prairies… where white man was killing off the buffalo… even getting paid to kill off the buffalo, poison the natives…. shoot to kill orders… it’s no wonder the natives are experiencing our own form of shock all these decades… unable to move… decades of being “idle”… the public of all colors, knows the government is still trying to kill us off…. missing native women are taken to underground military bases for slavery and experimentation… marijuana on indian reserves laced with crystal meth…  the drinking water is so medicated you can smell it… secret vibration weapons…  satellite beam weapons… financial warfare…all aimed at brown man….and so many simply….. “watch”… now the government is openly satanic  and against all life itself, and has plans for those who just watch… and I see the majority is in some form of shock, unable to move… unable to help those drowning in the rip tide… “shock and awe” is a military strategy… we are now in that strategy… so many are already in shock, and the big waves have yet to hit…


Dark Knight “Gotham City” Map Is Coded And Will Lead You From Sandy Hook To New Madrid Planned/Expected Big Earthquake


There’s about 3-5 million of these who walk among us… many of you worship them.


OBVIOUS WEATHER WAR: Massive West Coast (pacific) Cloud seeding… last night going into sunset.. GOES visible satellite afternoon of *jan 15th into 16th 2013

FALSE FLAG EXPOSED! Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre Location Looks Like Movie Set Complete With Bad Actors

Monty Keen Jan 6 The takeover of America is happening: though few recognise the signs.


This Is A White Magic Trick That Will Extend To All Universes!

41 thoughts on “Today I Almost Died While A White Man Watched – Indian in the machine

  1. So, Dieter, have you got the message yet? Standing by is not the answer for you. You and your drums are needed in the Idle No More movement. Something so simple as a song of intent or as powerful as a prayer. You have a transportable gift of music that a small beginning group could use to attract others to the movement. Think on this. You really do not have fear for yourself but you do have fear for your people. This event has made standing by real to you in this time. Use that feeling

  2. hi dieter, i m so glad you are ok after your ordeal in the sea. My love to you. I m sad that you say ‘while a white man watched’. im sure you know dieter, that b4 white men came to the americas, indigenous tribal folk were raiding and killing each other, slavery and savagery was a part of their lives. Im sure you know b4 the white man arrived in africa, there was tribal raiding, killing and slavery, im sure you know that in the white mans land, europe and northern, tribal folk raided, killed and made slaves. The only people i know of, that didnt, were the australian aborigines. The man who watched you, may not have known you were in serious trouble, may have not heard clearly what your calls were, so i think we can say, the not knowing of those two issues, makes your white man phrase, all the more judgemental, i am sad to say. And later when he saw you come out of the water, something made him come to see if you were alright. is this the act of a supposed bad man? Ihope dieter, you can see the bias of your post. I love your light dieter, but in this case, your bias and your anger within of the white man comes out. There are good and bad of every colour…in my love there is no colour, just people. Love and peace Dieter. janinexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. For someone to not respond to someone yelling HELP and to stand there and watch as someone needs help is completely foreign to me (aka shady). It’s sad too. The man to me stands for the people who have become so de-sensitized to the world around them that they can’t even respond to what is right in front of them.
    (We can all theorize about what the man was or was not thinking as he was standing there)

    You made it– it’s not your time 🙂 It sounds like this event definitely triggered a memory and a release for you (perhaps you and the Sun were doing a little geomagnetic releasing together).

    1. Thank God your still with us , I am so glad you are a survivor and still can have love in your heart even when others turn their back on you……LOVE TO YOU dear brother~<3

  4. hi dieter me to hope you feeling better now
    prayer for you dieter with love flying eagle
    Ojibwa Prayer

    David Icke at Machu Picchu in Peru 1/2

    David Icke at Machu Picchu in Peru 2/2

    1. Ojibwa Prayer was very beautiful. It was Heart felt. Thanks for sharing Flying Eagle.

      Love Geeta

  5. I’m athletic, in good shape, and a life long pretty strong swimmer capable of swimming for miles if necessary. I’ve had a couple of tough swims to shore in the ocean over the years, one of which was off of the coast of Maine in fairly cold water, it was a lot of work. If you haven’t been through it, it can be difficult to fully understand what it’s like. I was never very concerned about an immediate drowning, because even in a heavy surf, I could keep my head above water and breath and move around OK. Though I can imagine the difficulties for someone who’s swimming skills and experience are limited. My concern was getting swept out to sea and drowning from hypothermia and fatigue. And the problem was that just treading water wasn’t good enough, because that resulted in the undertow just pulling me further from shore, so I had to keep swimming just to prevent going further from shore. It’s definitely a character building experience. I’ve had one rescue of a drowning person, it involves placing one arm around the person’s neck to prevent them from pulling you both down in a panic, and swimming side stroke to keep their head above water so that they can breath as you swim to shore. I’m glad that you’re OK.

      1. It’s because of the weight of the volume of the water involved, there’s just an enormous amount of fluid in motion coming up against solid land. You don’t normally get swells of that size on an inland lake without a lot of wind. So it’s a little deceiving. Everything seems fairly calm, and it’s easy to underestimate the amount of force involved.

  6. Stay in gratitude to wash away the trauma. You don’t know, maybe the man couldn’t swim? Maybe he was very depressed or suicidal? Whatever, I’m just grateful that you are okay Dieter. Larger lessons probably gifted to you through this shock and awe. I do so feel your oppression and vulnerability right now with all the deception of the dark ones. Only you can know what these events mean to you, thinking also of the tent incident. I think that we will experience great changes and upheavals on the planet, I don’t know if I will survive these changes or not. Maybe I will go through some kind of new dimensional reality, either way I am going to the spirit realm. So no fear Dieter, the evil ones are going down! All is being revealed in its time! It was not your time to go back home to the spirit world. For those who fear a physical death, I urge you to read accounts of NDE’s. Peace to all hearts.

    1. One more thing, this is hard to do at first and counter intuitive, but it works. To not internalize or let any negative energy from the dark ones get to you, bless them. You don’t have to say it out loud, good will always trump evil and light will always outshine the dark! The dark ones will try to slime you with their bad energy, if you let them. We do need to shine a light on their activities, they hate the truth. Don’t let all the darkness we are seeing now get into your heart. That is one of the ways they are trying to control us, is through the use of fear. Find your love and let it grow, this will protect your heart! We are creating our new world in love, the old ways of hate and war do not work in the new world. Lets bring in the love and light as we watch the darkness fade away!

  7. Hello Dieter, i have a good advise for you when goin into the ocean. i live near the beach and i was a very good swimmer and learned how to see and to behave in the ocean. Sometimes the currents pull us inside the sea or across the shore; in that case, is very difficult to return; imagine if you are in the sea and the current is pushing you to the rigth and inside, you should swim also to the right, a bit parallel to the shore kinda in a angle towards to the shore. Also, if there are waves very high or crumbling down, thats the break point. when you go to the sea, pass first the “crumblig” point. you sould see it first at the shore, were they start to break towards the shore. passing that “line”, you can “rest”. The “rest” is when you can lye down, as if you were in your bed, arms to the side, like christ – here, you must relax the most and breed. The more relaxed you are, the more you float. Try this when its a smooth sea, its a very pleasant sensation and you float very easily, also its very good to cacht up the breath again and then you can swim in that posicion way mutch faster. BLESSINGS and thank you for beeing. much love _/\_

    1. oh, i forgot, maybe the tide was coming down and that makes currents towards inside. if its a new beach to you, stay a bit looking like half a hour to see if its coming up or donw. see if there is a deposit line of debree, like sheels or dry algyes; thats the line of the high tide you can use to see if the tide is coming up or donw. hugs 🙂

  8. This experience of yours is inspirational to me…thank you for sharing..Sorry you had this horrible experience…Im glad you are still with us today and everyday. Coincidently, for the pass week or so..I have been having on going dreams of water coming to get me and I would wake up before that happens. In one of my dreams. ..I was trapped with my family inside my house and water was as high as the second floor. ..yet it could not come in and take my life…

  9. Sorry for what has happened to you but that proves you that you are still afraid. Remember..”no fear” ???!. It’s easier to say than done.

  10. God bless you always, a sign perhaps that though we all face a bleak future, that it comes down to putting your head down and to keep pushing ahead, until you feel the sand beneath your feet.
    Sending Diamond Light to you and yours 🙂

  11. Wow! sorry that you had to go thru such an ordeal! Not taking any sides, only bringing up other perspectives… maybe he didn’t know how to swim & felt helpless… or maybe all he could think to do was to say a prayer & adding it to yours, reinforcing your plea for help. The great thing is that you have been allowed by Divine Grace to continue your loving service. Aho.

  12. Dieter:
    I thank God that you survived the riptide.
    I pray that God used you to teach the stranger / whiteman to become gentle in the heart and strong in his vision to truly help others in need. Fear causes folk to be far more ignorant. It stymies people. I have a similar story, which does not need to be told here.
    Just know that I thank God for your life.
    Peace be unto your heart.


    1. Not to defend a guy for not helping, but may he was afraid hed die too.Maybe he was watching to see if it was going to get worse, many people dont know what to do in a crisis,its not because he was white. Humans are violent and in History everybody has done there share of killing .But its almost over anyway.Sorry to hear about your ordeal in the ocean, a lfegard should have been out there getting people out of the water the moment this started, but thats mexico i guess,in America lifeguards are always out in daytime hours surprised there wasnt one around in your case.

  13. How do we know what he was? One man does not create a whole. Perhaps he was mentally challenged, Dieter did not say. But I do think Dieter that you have been given two very close calls now. First the wind and your teepee and next the ocean. Do not miss the message or messages that might be encoded into this. Both were nature. That is for sure. I doubt that white man created the riptide. You are so solemn and humble. You are full of goodness and light. But yet you are still a living creature on this earth dealing with mankind, the environment and the elements. Do not forget your native upbringing, the thunderbeings, the wind, and the blessed water. Something is not mixing well for you at this time. You may be on someone elses sacred land and space. You are not on your home turf or even close to it. Protect yourself. What is at you now might be larger than you. But now that you have shared this online, I for one will pray for you and send you help. I ask others to do the same. As for what is happening by government toward Native Americans (Northern Native Americans I assume) it is good to get it out into the open. My family has been hunted for decades…even to this date.But the two stories cannot be mixed together. Because something is at you. Beware of the ocean and the wind. Beware that you are not home in the frigid cold. Beware beware. And please do come home. For now I ask for Wakantanka and all of our relations to look over Dieter as he is away from home. From this day forward keep him safe every day and night. Know that he is loved immensely by all of us. Please send extra spirit guides to help him to see more clearly and to hear what his body and nature is trying to tell him. He needs protection. Guide him safely and securely through everyday that he dwells on that distant land. Please bring him safely home again.

  14. I am white, an had a simular experience to you in Bali ocean. was my test alone to pass the self made danger, I didn’t externalise any blames then, I could have, but it was all me and no ones deciding to go swimming in a strange ocean. and the test of strength and courage and determination to survive got me through, with myself and the will to live. mt love and my wisdom. now, D. do you think you passed the grandfathers lesson or not ? its about self responceability and not asighning blames. often we must look death in the eye, to see our reflections. Keep trying my friend, you are walking the masters walk just like me.

    A Story for you from my heart. 🙂 told in the style of the KUNG FU tv show, imagine the blind master telling it 🙂

    Your visit to our Temple has almost reached a great celebration

    Your years of dedicated study, your lifes in learning are passed

    Soon it will be time for you to LIVE

    The budda on the path is contentment.

    Once a long time ago. there was a simple man, who walked with a limp, and held a great stutter. shunned for being who he was. he took up his life keeping bee’s.

    he would pull a rickety cart with a few jars of honey collected in the season of blossoms. although he was bent and crippled, he lived in the highest beauty with the flowers.

    one day, upon the road between a winding valleys range. a band of vagabonds set upon him. the raiders were with out mercy, and jostled he between foe and foe, laughing at the poor mans lament.

    broken and beaten he lay, his cart smashed, finding no money the bandits poured the years collection upon the man and the dirt road.

    for two hot days, lay this man broken.

    bee’s came, and seeing the man, they collected the spilt honey. on the eve of the 5th day, all the honey was collected.

    Rain came, and upon the rain the man was quenched, life returned and slowly, with much pain he sucked the water and sweet honey as the rain poured down.

    years passed, and the man was again in the village to sell his honey collected, when he heard of a bandit leader who was stricken with an Illness, curious because the symptoms sounded familiar. he craned to see, and noticed the bandit leader, was the stricken one, a bee sting was the cause, but the villagers were concerned an evil spirit was about.

    Life has a way of sharing lessons. and years pass, even the forgotten meet a love, and grow a family. and so it was …

    A young man pulls a cart for his father, a smooth rolling cart with a good carriage of honey in glazed clay pots.

    upon the road between a winding valleys range. a band of vagabonds set upon him. the raiders were with out mercy, but when the Head Bandit placed his hand on the young mans shoulder, a bee crawled upon him, and the bandit let out the shriek of a stepped on toad, startled the vagabonds fled, and so with the Bandit. not enough time had the bandits to search the cart or jostle the lad.

    Moral. if in the path of life grasshopper, a simple bee, with but a little sting. is a dangerous thing to know, yes? their are many gifts in nature, as protection comes too just as simply as killing the budda from fear when he visits you on your journey in the way he always chooses.

  15. I am relieved that you are okay…Spirit took care of you…glad to see that even in a painful experience, you were able to extract some good truths.

  16. Sorry you were in such a bad state but you must remember one thing, it wasn’t because he was white that he ignored you, it was because he was a coward and not a man.

    1. Wow, sorry you went thru such scary ordeal! Not taking anyone’s side… but perhaps he didn’t know how to swim himself… & felt just as helpless as you. Or maybe said a prayer & added it to yours…helping to strengthen yours. The great thing is you have been allowed by Divine Grace to continue your loving service! Aho!

      1. Hi Dieter,
        Registering with Word Press requiring time I didn’t have, but finding out about your life threatening experience brought me back. Oh man–what a living nightmare!
        I send you my best wishes and prayers.
        Wanted to stop by and visit while I was in Washington state–ran out of time. Had to be back by Dec I. Drove 8500 miles round trip with two Australian riders.
        Where in Mexico are you? Should be in Uruguay in a few months.
        Happy travels to you and please be safe.

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