Now is the time to release any sense of anger, disappointment, or resentment that you may have experienced since the New Age arrived, and to engage with it completely by opening yourselves fully in love to all your brothers and sisters, especially those whom you believe have offended you or taken advantage of you. True forgiveness occurs when it is offered instead of blame or judgment, whatever the situation. No one can honestly say that they have never caused offense to another (justification for doing so has no place here!), but holding on to the resentment it causes and dwelling on it is like filling yourselves with corrosive liquids that will destroy you. Forgive, thrive, and truly enjoy the gift of life so lovingly bestowed on you by your Father as you move fully and joyously into this New Age for which you have been yearning.

Now is the time to release any sense of anger, disappointment, or resentment that you may have experienced since the New Age arrived, and to engage with it completely by opening yourselves fully in love to all your brothers and sisters, especially those whom you believe have offended you or taken advantage of you.  True forgiveness occurs when it is offered instead of blame or judgment, whatever the situation.  No one can honestly say that they have never caused offense to another (justification for doing so has no place here!), but holding on to the resentment it causes and dwelling on it is like filling yourselves with corrosive liquids that will destroy you.  Forgive, thrive, and truly enjoy the gift of life so lovingly bestowed on you by your Father as you move fully and joyously into this New Age for which you have been yearning.


5 thoughts on “Now is the time to release any sense of anger, disappointment, or resentment that you may have experienced since the New Age arrived, and to engage with it completely by opening yourselves fully in love to all your brothers and sisters, especially those whom you believe have offended you or taken advantage of you. True forgiveness occurs when it is offered instead of blame or judgment, whatever the situation. No one can honestly say that they have never caused offense to another (justification for doing so has no place here!), but holding on to the resentment it causes and dwelling on it is like filling yourselves with corrosive liquids that will destroy you. Forgive, thrive, and truly enjoy the gift of life so lovingly bestowed on you by your Father as you move fully and joyously into this New Age for which you have been yearning.

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  2. Now is the time to release any sense of anger, disappointment, or resentment that you may have experienced since the New Age arrived, and to engage with it completely by opening yourselves fully in love to all your brothers and sisters, especially those whom you believe have offended you or taken advantage of you.

    Dang……..i just can’t have ANY more fun can I???? hehehee just joshin and swirling.
    Agreed, I let it go, all is forgiven.

    Love Geeta

  3. Forgive ourselves as we forgive those who have injured us.
    As forgiving frees the forgiver not the sinner, and opens (frees) our hearts to receive.

  4. never was dissapointed, never wish for doom, just take it in and if its stock food, get healthy and adaptable, sounds like good advice in any measure. no doom, no landed space ships, but a goodly pantry a seed bank and a joy in my heart to not of having any of the dooms many wondered. but 13 galactic revolutions and the epock to me is a 13th birthday to a long callender. I am sure we will make many dates to ponder over, I think it is the growing we each do inside, that is the New Ageing. if I personaly wished to see a magical thing, it would be people growing young to a point back to their prime, the sick in hospital recovering and just getting better and better, missing organs and limbs regrowing over time. and changes in nature, for nature is a savage world where life feeds on life. their would have to be changes there aswell. 🙂

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