WANNA ROCK IN THE CORNER DUE TO INTENSE EXPERIENCES?  Perhaps you can ground yourself during intense times, by adding rocks to your drinking water, even put some rocks in your pocket to assist you to ground… it’s only going to get more intense… might as well pick up a few grounding tricks… any more to share? Rock and roll baby! IITM 


  1. Hematite is a most excellent stone to ground yourself with. Just hold a piece in one or both hands, have a piece in your pocket and it will definitely do the trick! I have used this for years on clients who are altered after a healing session and need to get grounded enough to drive. The effect is instantaneous. Also, bioplasma cell salts will do the same thing. I take 20 – 30 at a time. ; )

    1. Grounding is to become the same vibration as the earth, we drift out of tune at times in a energy level, we feel this as being light headed, over excited that we get animated with giddiness almost to dizzy. out of phase slightly, grounding brings us to a clear head and balance.

      crouch down low, and stand up fast …. feel light headed ? have a rest to get to normal.

      is the same as grounding, in an energy sense as us intuitive workers have come to understand, as everything vibrates and we can change our vibrations, eg – love – anger. minerals in crystal or rock, have their own vibration set, and carrying such will enhance the vibration field of the person, tuning their energy. its very scientific and very old, and will be coming back into proper understanding and use as an aid in frequency focus for healings or energy realignments.

  2. What I do is I visualize myself as a node on a beam of light that comes from Galactic Central and reaches way out to our solar system and comes down and in through the top of my head and into the crystal core of the earth and then back up and out to Galactic Central again in a never ending cycle suspending me on the surface of Sophia/Gaia/Terra. I am this way connected to the core of the Galaxy and the core of the planet simultaneously. It can be visualized along with dance movements to enhance the intensity of the experience. God Bless, Namaste

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