Orgone Pyramid and Ice Experiment

So I was intrigued with the idea of freezing ice under orgonite and had to try it myself. I used the large pyramid from Orgonise Africa for this experiment. Here are pictures I took shortly after the ice began to freeze: 

There are two clearly defined spikes in the water reaching up toward the pyramid. It was most evident on these two cubes, although the others in the tray did show smaller versions of the same thing. The spike on the left almost looks like a single terminated quartz crystal.

Unfortunately the spike on the left broke off at some point during the freezing, but the one on the right remained strong:

edit: just tried the same experiment with freezing orange juice and milk, but no spectacular results to share from that, just some frozen OJ and milk 


5 thoughts on “Orgone Pyramid and Ice Experiment

  1. I currently don’t have any orgone generating devices however my icecubes have shown up spiking just like in the pics of this post! How is this possible?


      1. Hey Dieter,

        We have been making ice in the same freezer for 3+ years now, and this never happened before.

        Funny thing is, we just made the next batch of ice cubes and got more new spikes on this 2nd batch!

        What is even more bizarre to me is that I have ordered some orgone devices about 10 days ago, but they have yet to be delivered to me.

        Any other thoughts?


  2. I am working with orgonite for two years now. I use it in my garden to clean the poison from the chemtrails.
    Once I was on my bicycle a large sylph followed me, straight in the wind. Not possible, but it happened.

    Two websites I like:

    Orgonix 23 (amazing pieces of orgonite)


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