Regrowing Teeth – Powerful New technology… And A Few Other Really Cool Nuggets

Regrowing Teeth – Powerful New

technology… And A Few Other Really Cool Nuggets

By Jerrico Usher

Turns out you actually CAN regrow your teeth.. Scientists figured out how

Kids aren’t the only ones who can grow more teeth anymore!

New “adult” Teeth are no longer just for Kids.. The problems and limitations we have always suffered when it came to tooth loss, etc.. are not going to be our childrens!
Imagine a second shot at a full healthy set of teeth!
If not stimulated muscles don’t grow.. but that doesn’t mean they can’t


If you’ve always thought re-growing teeth was impossible, then you should realize that you simply believed what other people told you. Not only can you actually regrow teeth but you can even use your tooth root to repair chipped teeth, and even holes. No fillings needed.

I stumbled upon some fascinating information and technologies when I asked Google the question- “Why can’t human beings regrow teeth” as I refused to believe we can’t (because I did once and now know how, more on that below).

At the end of this article I will put the links directly to the pages I researched so you can read for your self right out of the horse’s mouth.

In this article I will first give you some fascinating background into an experience I had that showed me that re-growing teeth even the third set (after the baby tooth, the adult tooth grows in and comes out you can actually grow another tooth and for that matter as many as you need..

The body is truly self sufficient although sometimes much like muscle growth, it needs some help stimulating its functions (i.e. exercise causes the muscles to grow if we don’t do a job that physically demands the use of those muscles we just have to use weights!).

Dinosaurs, animals, sharks all can/could regrow their teeth because they actively used them almost continuously.. stimulating the gums and more, although their is more to it than just using the teeth. (We’ll get into this later in this article) this provided some clues to scientists much like birds showed us how to make a plane work.

I personally had a third tooth grow in but until my research here which stimulated this article (I wanted to know and wrote this hub as a way to consolidate my research) gave me new information I didn’t know how it happened. I was told by dentists that it was a miracle, a freak happenstance.. To me if it happened, it can happen again- bottom line.

It will blow your mind why we couldn’t before.. Actually we could we just didn’t understand how. A hint though is part of the problem was our genes, genetics.

so much more….

10 thoughts on “Regrowing Teeth – Powerful New technology… And A Few Other Really Cool Nuggets

  1. Ms A. Dutt, it was extracted but it’s possible a tiny peice of the root was left in there, can’t say for sure.

    I didn’t use anything the thing just grew back 5 years later- a few years back I was curious how this happened (as no other teeth would do this) and wrote the article, 4 years later I updated it and found a lot more stuff to tell you (i.e. novamin)… the hubpages page is gone but moved to

  2. You mention that an a tooth grew back after extraction tho’ it took many years. Was it extracted from the root? Was there bleeding whenever you touched the area with your tongue? That may have activated root bud or stem cells.


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