I hear mention on the net that the die-off of birds is being used to promote fear of bird flu again.

windeyaho: I hear mention on the net that the die-off of birds is being used to promote fear of bird flu again.

There is nothing happening here in OK and we are next to AK. I hear mention on the net that the die-off of birds is being used to promote fear of bird flu again. Kids here are getting the normal flu that makes the rounds because they don’t watch what they touch with their hands and with whom they share drinks and school supplies. I’m sure that all this sudden die-off will be used to promote vaccinations, quarantines and other means of controlling the citizenry but I’m not buying it. The fear factor is strong this time because it all looks so freaky. TPTB will use that fear against us and try to say that “they” will take care of us.

I’ve made a mental pledge to myself that is finally taking root in words which I wish to state at this time – at least as much as I can put into words. If any others wish to take it up for themselves, more power to them, if not at least it’s out here for the government “sniffers” to deal with:

“I divorce myself from any government of any country as I feel none adhere to the precepts under which they were created and are totally infiltrated by elements which seek to subjugate and control them. I will live under the Constitution of The United States (you put in whatever country’s governing manifesto that you wish) and keep it and its statutes to the best of my ability. I will cherish the Bill of Rights and hereby invoke the Declaration of Independence (again, insert whatever is equal to these two pieces of legislation in your respective country) to state that my sovereignty is uppermost in my life. I will do no harm to any living thing in the course of my existence unless it is to continue my survival or to protect those I love. I will not contrive to undermine the existing government of any country unless it strives to destroy me.

“I remain in complete compliance with the laws of the Earth and the preservation of it. I will not poison myself nor the Earth with anything that I make or action that I do, knowing that there are those facts of life – at the moment- which make these statements very hard to adhere to. I still will keep striving to make them true and verifiable.

I wish nothing but the best for my fellow man no matter where on this beautiful planet he may reside. I am ashamed of how the antithesis of humanity (that which is not totally human and is mutating beyond it) is victimizing the weaker, poorer creatures of this planet for the express purpose of deriving profit and gaining control. I can not prevent this viral-like spreading of the evil that has infiltrated this verdant place but I can be one of the stones in the wall that stands in its way.”

I ask those of like mind to answer the call: make a pledge to be a wall for your community and your family. Do not fear that which is designed to instill fear, go on past it and USE it to accomplish a group unity of others who wish to fight the same battle. Self-reliance in small community groups. Those small groups working with one another to forge a chain of strong links across the globe which can not be broken by fear (they will be able to take care of any problem that arises without a “government” to “nanny” them) or economics (they will make, grow, barter all they need).

This massive die-off of all manner of fowl,fish, insects (bees)- and now trees- isn’t some doom and gloom, end times scenario that is preset to play itself out regardless. It is a manufactured disaster set to play on already instilled fears of Revelations. Interesting how religion controls so many fears in our lives, how fearful many pastors, ministers, reverends etc. are, yet religion is supposed to be a well of strength, a panacea to keep the population thinking that some other force is looking out for it’s interests (something like a government?). Not slamming belief systems, just making comparisons for the purpose of proving contrived indoctrination that has been rampant all over the world.

Something is being manipulated to cause all of this (the die-off, the link to “end times” scenarios, the build up of belief systems that either look to the skies for relief or the pages of a text to try and foretell the future) and has been in the works for a long time. We are seeing the results. We are suppose to be afraid, we are supposed to quake in our boots, we are not supposed to reason and THINK. . . because, we might connect the dots and find a way to preserve ourselves.

I’m not saying that there won’t be any fearful events that create a great deal of terror, I’m saying they are being manufactured to do just that. Realize you are being played and refuse to play by their rules. We, as a whole, are a lot smarter than “they” think. We just need to BELIEVE in ourselves.


source http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=151573&page=41

16 thoughts on “I hear mention on the net that the die-off of birds is being used to promote fear of bird flu again.

  1. Kelly said:
    “Thank you, Drekx for your wise words, I take them to heart. Fascinating link. Is Ptah really the man from my dreams?

    Drekx response:
    Ptaah is the former Plejaren Federation representative for Earth, and the baton was past to the Sirians, from him in 1994…
    His counsel is still sought out, but is no longer engaged in official contact with Meier.

    He still holds much power within the Plejaren fleet and as Vashtar, holds the rank of Jschwjsch(JHWH,)one of the higher cosmic degrees….
    Ptaah now holds the spiritual grade of Srut IHWH, which is higher still.

    He is a father-figure for all Starseeds on Earth and cares very much about us…and has much experience about the problems we face here, in a world that mostly misunderstands us… 😉

    His vast ship is called the “Great Spacer” and he is also the biological father of the famous ET, Srut Semjase…

    Kelly said:
    “He said last time I saw him that we (humans) are being “separated”, a kind of wheat from the chaff scenario I gathered.”

    Drekx response:
    Yes, he was conveying the message that starseeds are to be initially separated from ancient earth souls, at the divine right time and thence returned to our respective originator worlds…after which we are free to then visit 5th density Earth, if we so wish to..as cosmic union members of the GFL…

    Kelly said:
    “Is he the Ptah of Egyptian lore? Wish I could meet him in person, sometimes I want to rip the veil from myself but I understand it serves a purpose.”

    Drekx response:
    Yes, he was known in ancient times on Earth, as a “god,” although he has taken great pains to teach humanity that such idolitory is no longer acceptable here, as we are all children of the Supreme Creator…and having higher spiritual evolution does not mean superiority over others…

    Sometimes I think of him as the architype for the artistically rendered notions of the biblical “Jehovah,” with long white beard, etc… 🙂

  2. Kelly said:
    “Sometimes, as much as I like to dig information and collate it, it justs makes me feel more alone than before. Very few are willing to listen to reason. I feel like an island of calm amidst all these frightened people, even the Lightworkers.”

    Drekx response:
    Hey, we are all in the same boat and please don’t feel isolated from your fellow Starseeds…

    At the right divine time each Starseed will be assigned a collection team..and a feeling of calm will proceed in all, just prior to these events of reunification…

    All individual human beings have lifeplans and all Starseeds are being prepared to leave Earth after our work is completed…


    But many of us will return after that, to see the new star nation blossom…

    In Light forever, Drekx Omega

      1. Gosh, I tried to make a reply and it disappeared 😦 Ah well, I think I need a break for now, really urged to meditate and release. lol
        Thank you, Drekx for your wise words, I take them to heart. Fascinating link. Is Ptah really the man from my dreams? He said last time I saw him that we (humans) are being “separated”, a kind of wheat from the chaff scenario I gathered. Is he the Ptah of Egyptian lore? Wish I could meet him in person, sometimes I want to rip the veil from myself but I understand it serves a purpose. Your insights give you responsibilities I am sure and I am glad to have my family and my life as it is for now.
        And anent to your previous post, thank you and blessings for your understanding the loneliness and frustration that can be heavy to carry. Your honesty and logic are a testament to your character.
        Have a wonderful day, keep warm and my best to you and yours 🙂

    1. Sirian Starseeds of Earth,

      Not easy to find “Samanet” on the web, as not many Earth websites even know about us….apart from the illustrious IITM…. 🙂

      But Sheldan Nidle of paoweb.com knows our planet very well, by it’s poetic name of “Muktarin.”

      So, multiple names for one planet…?? 😉

      Yes, a bit like Earth being named as “Terra,” or indeed, as “Gaia…”

      To make things simple, we shall use the name “Earth,” of the Solaris Star Nation…..

      Or would a vote be necessary on this matter, after First Contact…??

      Anyone out there like to venture an opinion…??


  3. Kelly said:
    “Lady T brings up a good point; with the magnetic frequencies changing it is very possible we will have communications failure; or societal breakdown. What should we do if such a thing were to happen? Personally, my plan in the event of complete society meltdown is to head for the Rockies, Banff area and hope for the best. But if we were to lose internet and telephone, how would we communicate?”

    Drekx response:
    Ideally we would have liked the First Contact process to have been conducted last year, with the prosperity programmes negating the effects of the economic systemic collapse and a global-wide release of alternative (ET and long-suppressed NWO) technologies, negating the effects of the planetary weather modifications…

    So things may get difficult for some, but with focus on a positive outcome, you will attract the positive events into your own life that you require to grow from…

    Kelly said:
    “What would happen next? How do we know if it is long term or short term?”

    Drekx response:
    How long would you like this process to last..?? Just make your local community aware of what is happening and encourage them to be patient..yet aware that we are not alone in the universe and that help is here…

    Kelly said:
    “Drekx, is the device you are talking about a multi purpose communications tool?”

    Drekx response:
    Yes it is…it can translate languages into clearly understood thoughts, even if spoken, grunted, squeeked, mumbled, or telepathically projected…so inter-species, comms if needed.

    Kelly said:
    “lol, I am picturing the buttons on collars on Star Trek… beam me up, Scotty”

    Drekx response:
    Shame that such a device must be compared to the fakery of a second rate sci-fi movie…

    The universal translator sets up a channel between your mind and that of others in communication…
    All real ET devices are compact, organic interface and lightweight…this device is not one that flashes or whatever, as on the ridiculous Star Trek movie uniforms…

    To look at it is about an inch in diameter, silver and flat circular..it can be adhered to any clothing, star-trek fancy dress or otherwise…


    Dearest Kelly,
    The changes are with us, we can face up to them and remain totally protected….if we wish to be.

    In Love, blessings and with much Light, Drekx

  4. Hehe…
    I got a letter from my insurance today reminding me to go in and get my immunizations AND flu SHOTS.
    Yeah…I’ll get right on that, in line BEHIND THEM!
    Just kidding of course.

    Things are crazier today.
    Weird energy. Family is distracting and I am dealing with it, but won’t be free to write too much until late at night, as usual.
    I am writing now because of something we need to address and think about.
    People on the main CTUSA site are seeing large snowflakes that seem to “have artificial intelligence”…
    They are still speculating about the animal deaths being haarp weaponry…
    The A10 aircraft video, and many others are disabled and gone…
    …and the alternative news is saying the internet is a bomb ready to explode. The common denominator is that so many things are being used as disinfo and fear so that the internet will be blamed. Where will we be if we lose this freedom to communicate? What is plan B?
    Phone numbers? Morse Code? Hehe.
    It might be a good idea to discuss it, if you haven’t already.

    Love, LadyT

    1. Hi,

      Yes I noticed that they were very quick to cancel out that inportant evidence anent the A10s Thunderbolt jets being thwarted…by our Atar teams.

      The Youtube poster’s search, accross the US map, indicated multiple disablings of Thunderbolts jets, from late December, through several days in January 2011…an intense frequency of events.

      This does correlate with GFL records and was so alarming to the PTB, that they had to terminate the chap’s youtube account..as evidenced below.

      The dark PTB have considered stamping down on the internet, but they are worried about the effect that would have on the free flow of commerce and the financial lifeblood of business activities, sales, etc…

      We do have alternative technologies available, if this happens, but they will preferably be released for public use, after the dark have been ejected from office…

      Although I may send you a telepathic universal translator device if necessary…. 🙂 They are button-sized and easily affix to clothing.

      As for water and ice crystals…YES IT IS CONSCIOUS TO A DEGREE and living.

      In love and Light, Drekx

      1. Hello Cmdr. Omega,
        Every time the PTB cancel videos and accounts like that they are so obvious it is funny to me when it probably shouldn’t be funny at all. I just like it when the enemy shows themselves more and more.
        Days like this often happen, with this weirder, darker energy around me after I have a good, productive day of communications, like yesterday. I am protected, but I am tired and don’t feel as clear as I wanted to be to talk deeper with you. Tomorrow will be better, I expect to have more focus, with family off doing what they do elsewhere. This is the same time of night that I
        always feel called to check things in this place online. I wonder what is up what that? I should be asleep, but have been nocturnal.
        But briefly, I was not doubting that the Light forces have a plan B for communications, I
        know that they must be all over it, and it is not even a problem for them/you…though you made some interesting points. The PTBs that I know would definitely not want to lose any money or their tactical plans by loss of the internet, at least not for very long, when I think about it.
        I was wondering about sites like this, and everyone on here as a whole, because apparently, I have become kind of attached. Maybe momentary loss of focus when I read so much junk earlier, before my attentions were turned elsewhere.
        Yes, I realize everything has energy, including the ice crystals. I know it and am counting on it, because then it can be effected, even renewed and even changed for the better.
        But the people I was referring to are thinking that there are
        nano-particulate matter in the snowflakes they are seeing, and it might have or be for ill intentions. I mean, I know what technology exists believe me. But, I am concerned that they are seeing scary, negative everything everywhere they look now and it is consuming them either from the disinfo or dark possibilities they are creating. Their fear is going to a new level, taking a declining dark turn for the worst now. I dislike even writing those words.
        I have tried to give a different light overall, but they don’t want it to the point of getting mad at me for not being so angry like them, and it seems they are losing hope in that way and running with the fear. I don’t want the internet to be blamed for this kind of negativity, and inappropriate “snowballing” when there is so much good and importance to be seen and used for the Light.
        Sheesh, I would have gone gone to Radio Shack for a microscope, and while out there collected some of those snowflakes, and examined them thoroughly (or even some simple tests in the kitchen…)to see if there was even any reason to begin to discuss such a thing with a group of people already scared and in such distress! This is why I am concerned. Of course I am mad about damage to all of us and the planet, but we need to give those discussions some balance and hope, and not add to the fear and conjecture.
        Sorry, something is just “off” today. Some kind of “disturbance in the force”…hehe? I don’t like it. I’m calling it a day.
        I will start with my desired important conversation, on the other thread tomorrow.
        Right here and now, I am taking back control, and I am saying that tomorrow will be a better day. It will be calm I will be surrounded by Love and Light Energies!

        May we all have sweet dreams as well as memories of the joy and beauty of fresh, innocent iridescent snow.

      2. Salutations 🙂 I also have noticed a change in the “air” of the internet. I too have tried to spread truth and lessen fear but it’s like trying to catch raindrops in a thimble. I think people WANT to be in fear, perhaps it makes them feel more alive.
        Sometimes, as much as I like to dig information and collate it, it justs makes me feel more alone than before. Very few are willing to listen to reason. I feel like an island of calm amidst all these frightened people, even the Lightworkers. Doesn’t anyone feel excited that we are alive for this wonderful experience?
        Lady T brings up a good point; with the magnetic frequencies changing it is very possible we will have communications failure; or societal breakdown. What should we do if such a thing were to happen? Personally, my plan in the event of complete society meltdown is to head for the Rockies, Banff area and hope for the best. But if we were to lose internet and telephone, how would we communicate? What would happen next? How do we know if it is long term or short term? Imagine a world where each town is isolated, each country cut off from its neighbors…
        Drekx, is the device you are talking about a multi purpose communications tool? lol, I am picturing the buttons on collars on Star Trek… beam me up, Scotty 🙂

    2. And also..you got the inevitable letter from your insurance company reminding you to go in and get the flu shot….??

      They are trying to get as many people as they can to take these shots…and we know the hidden motives for this, don’t we? and why the establishment are so determined to sell us this, come hell or highwater… 😉

      Well, such a letter would indeed make excellent toilet paper, or fuel for the open fire. 🙂

      Keep up your obviously fine tuned intuition, Lady Tamara….it does you much credit…!!


  5. That artwork of the “World Health Organization Flu Vaccine Playset,” for children to “create autism and 27 diseases,” is dark humour at it’s very best….
    Even for children to “vaccinate parents.”

    This appropriately mocks the commercial, medical and political mindsets that seek all to take this vaccine, without due care and attention.

    True satire and a mighty deterent to the medical establishment’s cynical efforts to encourage all to take the swine flu vaccine, no matter the cost, or no matter that swine flu is like any other flu, for the overwhelming majority of people.

    Politicians, doctors, schools, local councils, big pharma, international bodies….


    They all stupidly try to trick people into taking this poison, whatever the cost and whatever the threat level from flu, even if miniscule…
    They hype it up……and are now being mocked by the satirists…and rightly so.

    When I first saw this artwork I creased up in laughter, as it captures the swine flu debacle so well….. 🙂

    In Light, Drekx Omega

  6. I missed who the original poster of this proclamation was…but I want to commend you on
    a work well done! I agree!
    I have been encouraging some fearful people online, especially some hard-core, end times believing Christians that are doing a spreading of fear and “prophecy” campaign that is really doing damage.
    These people are bragging that they know when the end will be, and how people better get right with God…etc. When they brag that they “know” dates, I feel like they are making dates for things that they want to manifest. They seem to want things to happen in a horrible way to fulfill scripture.
    Have they even thought about the fact that the evil side has had the scriptures all along too, and can use it as a Blueprint for fear?!! It’s a no-brainer war tactic!
    They are saying WWIII is next.
    And then they ask for donations!
    These people who say they are Holy prophets, are messing with the heads of some major, important Warriors of Light, that I have had the honor to watch grow, and encourage, while they have begun to accept all that they really are, coming out of fear into confidence…getting ready for something they feel coming.
    I have told the now fearful ones that forwarded it to me to get my reply, that to get right with God means that we are now free to accept all that we really are, and who we really are, and have confidence because we are created to have this freedom and unlimited power of Love and Light,
    which is the true and living Heavenly Kingdom here and now, and in claiming it, we are right with God. That is ultimately what our Creator wants for us. Then we are freely accepting our true inheritance. We are free to accept who we are and the connection that we have to all created Beings of Light and Love. We will be protected and helped by the Heavenly Kingdom that has been
    here, inside of us…IS US…and those around us, still waiting for us to use our collective free will to rise to the next level, accepting who we are. We are Children of a multifaceted Creator God of Many Names, and we are extensions of that Body. We are Ambassadors, and Warriors and Commanders of unconditional Love and True Light over all darkness. When we completely realize this and fully except it, we can then connect and fully invite the Heavenly, victorious Armies of Light to work with us in their fullest capacities.
    That means no self-imposed limitations. No religious-imposed limitations.
    Those are the delusions.
    This is what the evil ones fear…that we will realize who we really are and what that means. This is what they have been trying to suppress, oppress, and control. This is why they use classic war tactics like divisions and fear. This is the most important reason for their advanced weaponry, and why it is being disabled lately by
    those who are helping us.
    Owning who we are, every day, at that very moment, darkness if defeated. This is
    standing tall, in honor, acceptance and confidence!
    I want to say so much more that I know in every fiber of my being, and have had dreams about for years…etc…but it does get into the Sci-fi, and I don’t want to go there just yet, when they
    are needing to drop their fear first. I know some of them already get a sense of the coming disclosure anyway…but when dealing with some very hard-core Christians from churches that shame them, I have to be careful and make sure they trust what I say and experience it, first.
    Uggg! I just want to hug them, and look right into their eyes and tell them how awesome and amazing they all are…but I can’t do that on the internet! I can only picture it and connect, and project it to them as best as I can!
    By the way, this goes for you too, Dieter!
    Every day I want to hug you and tell you “Well done, Mighty Warrior! Thank you!”

    I would like to use this post in some cases, as some follow up, for
    action they can take, if you don’t mind.
    Many of these Warriors need action they can see and do, and this is a perfect tool.
    Thank you!
    Very well done!

    Love and Light,

  7. I herd mention that they are using micro waves the same they use to create earth quakes, weather manipulation and the sort. that would explain Gaia’s channelling. what she noted about the shock waves sounds similar to this.
    but she wasn’t pointing fingers for that does not help you the people or the earth.
    She has unconditional love for even them and maybe we should throw our 3 cents in. what have you got to lose?
    May Angels and Blessings of Love, Light and Peace surround you and all that you know

  8. Bird flu and/or swine flu is not any more dangerous than the common flu bug, yet the hype of pandemic status in late 2009, instigated by the WHO, under orders from the dark military-industrial complex, and with the potential for profits by big pharma, placed a massive cry wolf dilema before governments.

    How could they convince anyone to take their poisonous vaccines, if nobody believed that bird flu, or swine flu, posed real problems to health above the normal flu….??

    Hype up another scare….and if they are now using the bird deaths, this will be the lowest of skullduggery for them to stoop to…

    A reminder as to why they are desperate to get you to take their swine flu/bird flu vaccines….see link:


  9. Dratzo…

    I’m trying to get the truth out about the bird deaths, but of course, the PTB are desperate to falsely link bird flu with these deaths, which has already been confirmed as not disease related and not chemical related…..in multiple countries.

    Indeed “trauma” is the common conclusion, which is not surprising, when flocks of birds fly into electro-magnetic defensive barriers…pulsed into activity by advaced ET technolgies intent on curtailing A10 military jets in hot pursuit.


    Selamat gajun akanowai dajoie….!!

    Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew

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