Is Nasa Doing Weird Things With Ison Imagery Nov. 30 2013?

It looks like people really want to believe this ‘comet’ is going to disintegrate… fox….cnn… bbc… nasa…  all gleefully and falsely forecasted at least once, that it disintegrated…WHEN IT DIDN’T!


Three points of interest as of Nov. 30, 2013:

1.  It seems like Nasa is changing the contrast on the Lasco imagery to make it appear like Ison is disapearing… WHY ARE THE SUN RAYS DIMMING AT THE SAME TIME… ALL OF THEM!!!!


2.  Watch same imagery… at the end it appears like Ison just disappears and doesn’t really do a complete fade out… as if someone cut out something.


3.  It’s not a comet… but for those who believe it is a comet….why is the ‘tail’ not pointing away from the sun, instead going sideways???

Stay tuned, mothershp Ison probably has a few more tricks up it’s sleeve… and don’t be surprised to hear of a Nibiru announcement very soon!

Indian in the machine


4 thoughts on “

  1. I’m sitting here at this exact moment of this post, wondering the same thing while looking at the distorted images….what are they doing?

    They can block and give out all the disinfo they want.

    They can’t block our hearts, so open them and keep your hearts open to receive your divine birthright. Let your hearts be reawakened. Our legacy is light and love.

    1. It is true: the Cosmos does like a joke! I went to Peru to do Ayahuasca with certain intentions, and boy, was I hijacked by the Cosmos or what!

      Yes; the Creator is rerurning, just as spelled out in the Biblical book of Revelation!

      You will know the truth and it will set you free!

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